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Newt Reveals his "21st Century Contract with America"

Newt Gingrich takes us back to the 1990s as he reveals his “21st Century Contract with America”. In the 1990s, Ross Perot developed movement similar to the Tea Party, as Perot would garner 19 percent of the votes in the 1992 elections. Also, Bill Clinton would introduce universal healthcare in 1993 that energized Perot’s movement into an historic landslide election in 1994 that made Newt Gingrich the first Republican House Speaker in 42 years. A difference between now and then is a robust economy from a technology boom similar to the industrial age and a generation of kids lost.

Earlier Newt’s campaign seem to be running another 2008 Fred Thompson campaign but his quick one-liners and now his contract, Newt may be on the move as a contentor. Yesterday, Newt released his four-part “21st Century Contract with America” even though two parts are incomplete and he will release the entire plan on September 27, 2012. The only concern is the last two parts could make Newt’s Primary win a choice between yin and yang for 2012.

Part one of the contract promises that he will provide “a set of legislative proposals to shift America to job creation, prosperity, freedom and safety.” This will include Repeal & replace Obamacare and Americans will be able to opt into a voluntary market-oriented alternative for a retirement plan. Part two sets that on the “First Day” he’ll sign anywhere from 50 to 200 executive orders. Part three and four are not completed but will provide training program for transition teams and appointees who’ll lead the shift back to Constitutional, limited government and Part four is a system of citizen involvement to help sustain grassroots support for change and help implement change through 2021.

While Newt was at the Congressional helm many major Global infrastructures took root such as Public-Private Partnerships and NGOs that are taking our freedoms. Because he is a global candidate, the last part concerns me when a president expects to put infrastructure in place for the citizens.

Even though universal healthcare advocate Mitt Romney and immigration supporter Rick Perry appear to be the media’s favorite, Hermain Cain and Michelle Bachman appear to grab the hearts of the Tea Party but it appears Newt Gingrich has taken his campaign that resembled Fred Thompson into a refreshing direction for the country.

If anything, it will be excellent fodder to discuss positions of the candidates.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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