CPUSA–> Obama’s Jobs Bill–> OccupyWallStreet

   Communism, Socialism, OccupyWallStreet, and Barack Obama’s Jobs Bill all nestled together under one all-telling blanket. 

While the following excerpts may sound familiar to some, the underlying repercussions that come with them may very well  surprise most of our readers:

“A better and peaceful world is possible- a world where people and nature come before profits.”  That may sound rosy enough at the outset,  until we see what directly follows that statement:

“That’s Socialism. That’s our vision. We are The Communist Party USA. That statement is brought to you by the CPUSA’s current homepage. When indoctrinating America’s youth, Communists always start out with championing Socialism. The Socialist Workers Party was/is just another stealth front group for Communist indoctrination through the use of  the term “workers” also. The infamous National Socialist  German Workers Party was widely known as the NAZI Party, which hid behind  title, The German Workers Party prior to a name change in 1920. The term NAZI is German and stems from Nationalsozialist.  That little history lesson, while many folks may view it as irrevelant towards today’s American Politics, should never be forgotten, as history truly does have a way of repeating itself over and over. What is also troubling is the fact that we even have a Communist party in America today.

Now for some more tidbits from the CPUSA homepage we see the following link to an article from People’s World  titled: America’s kids tell their stories from their Wall Street Camp.

While the article goes on to tell stories of the cute “kids” at the protests, it also carries a very heavy undercurrent of anti-capitalistic indoctrination in it. Take this paragraph for instance:

Esmeralda, Youth Council President of the Mid Manhattan NAACP, and two friends are camping out together. Esmeralda, 17, says she’s had “lots of internships, but never a real job.” Her high school is just across the street from Zuccotti Park and she’s been joining her friends Chilligan, 19, and Nicole, 20 at the park every day after class.

Maybe a little less time spent as a 17-yr old Youth President of the NAACP and a little more time applying herself at school would lead to a decent job and/or qualify her for college one day in the future. 17 years old and already an anti-capitalist community organizer complaining she doesn’t have  a job. What she really means that everyone has the right to a $20.00 an hour job, regardless of employment as seen here. This is what we see more and more of every day in America, thanks to the indoctrination of our youth in the classrooms. They get out into the real world only to discover that they do not have a basic set of skills to actually put towards working for a living. we see this pattern in virtually all of the “stories about the kids at Wall Street Camp” in that article. Socialists are experts at playing the victim card while actually creating more victims by indoctrinating them into hating capitalism and worshiping the nanny state. That’s Socialism.

Also found on today’s CPUSA homepage is also this unmitigated lie being told to the uninformed masses of American youth: “Socialism will meet the needs of the great majority of our people and lay the basis for solving our social, economic and environmental problems.”  Did you catch that statement, all you kids at the Wall Street camps?  Put on your Mao and Che shirts, denounce capitalism, become a Socialist puppet, and you are well on your way to the Communist Utopia where poof!, all our problems will auto-magically disappear! What the Communist propagandists fail to tell you is that Communism leads to bread lines and wide-spread poverty 100% of the time. ( Unless you are enslaved to the government dictatorship that feeds and clothes you in exchange for serving  the state, in which case they shall deem you important enough to keep alive until you outlive your usefulness, or just get too old to work)  The lies being told about supposedly being a slave to evil capitalism somehow forget to inform people of the benefits of capitalism, such as the freedom to live and work where you choose, the right towards prosperity through hard work and opportunity, and the right to worship as you choose. You get none of that under a Communist dictatorship, period. Just speaking out against government abuses of the people can get you imprisoned for life, or even killed in all Communist countries. Beware of the Socialism pimps, as they are always working towards creating a Communist state in the end. History shows that to be an undeniable fact, unless your  unionized history teacher is a Socialist Workers Party USA member wearing a Che T-shirt in class. In that case you need to go straight home and inform your parents about what is going on, and demand that the situation be addressed immediately. American schools are for teaching our children true American and world history, and about the proven American exceptionalism that has made this the greatest, freest nation on earth for over 200 years. Leave the Socialist/Communist indoctrination out of our schools please.

Last but certainly not least, we see another revelation on the CPUSA’s homepage that should open the eyes of all Americans today:

Organizing for Jobs,Jobs,Jobs.  “The Great Recession of 2008 is looking more like the Great Depression of the 1930s. The economic crisis of U.S. (and world) capitalism is entering its fourth year.” (emphasis mine) next up they make the pitch that the only way to improve our economy is for the government to somehow create jobs. (Nanny-state enslavement 101 kids) ** Note: Nowhere in the United States Constitution is it stated that the government has the power to interfere in the private sector free market system or “create jobs” with taxpayer dollars. Funny thing about Communists, Marxists and Socialists: they all believe in radical change/overthrow of governments to mold society to fit their Utopian ideology. That means ignoring our constitution or eventually abolishing it all together eventually. President Obama wants another half a billion tax payer dollars to supposedly create jobs. The CPUSA wants you to know that they support his plan.

“Two weeks ago President Obama introduced the American Jobs Act to a joint session of Congress. It is sure to meet stiff resistance from the Republicans in Congress. A massive outcry of millions of American people insisting on the Act’s passage is necessary.” (emphasis mine)

In that last statement we see the communist Party USA parroting the exact same thing Barack Obama has been telling people across the nation in dozens of speeches. Coincidence? Not hardly. CPUSA takes it one step further in mentioning other Obama political-operative groups, such as the AFL-CIO and moveon.org:

“America Wants to Work (AFL-CIO) in alliance with many community and activist organizations including Moveon.org are organizing a week of actions Oct. 10-16 demanding jobs. Thousands of grassroots actions, marches, vigils, delegations and speak-outs are being planned in cities and neighborhoods across the country.”

Isn’t there already a group of wanna-be Socialists posing as a grassroots movement, protesting against capitalism and Wall Street bankers? Oh yes that would be the astro-turfing Occupy Wall Street protesters we see today. Further proof of the indoctrination of our youth by Union ( Socialist Workers party) teacherscanalso be found in this announcement at CPUSA: “A national National Teach-in called Students and Youth Rising for Jobs and Economic Justice will take place Oct. 12.” Isn’t that a hell of a coincidence there?

Communist Party USA —>  Occupy Wall Street —-> AFL-CIO —> Barack Obama’s very own moveon.org, all working together for the common cause of getting out and organizing for the passage of Obama’s jobs bill while protesting evil capitalism !   What a lovely team.   2012 just can’t get here soon enough! 


Special update just for the annonynous pest trying to propagandize our comment section here at CDN:  Since DAY1  in New York look who has been behind the OWS protests! Thank you Andrew Breitbart.   Meet the career anarchist posing as a New-Yorker who is actually from Texas.



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