Herman Cain Speaks the Truth on Abortion

Herman Cain got into some hot water the other night on the Peirs Morgan show over his comments on abortion. Mr. Cain’s problem is one that I find quite refreshing, he tells the truth.

The truth about abortion, such as it is, is that ultimately it is the mother who will make that choice, just as Mr. Cain said. They were making it long before Roe v. Wade, and they will make it long after Roe v. Wade is overturned, if it ever is.

The context of Mr. Morgan’s question was, to this author’s hearing, under current law. He asked Mr. Cain what he would do if his granddaughter was the victim of a rape and had become pregnant. Mr. Cain replied that the choice was ultimately up to the family involved.

Cain released a statement the following day in which he said “As to my political policy view on abortion, I am 100% pro-life. End of story. I will appoint judges who understand the original intent of the Constitution. Judges who are committed to the rule of law know that the Constitution contains no right to take the life of unborn children.

I will oppose government funding of abortion. I will veto any legislation that contains funds for Planned Parenthood. I will do everything that a President can do, consistent with his constitutional role, to advance the culture of life.”

In truth, the only choice the government can make about abortion is whether it is done safely and legally, or in a back alley as it was before the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade. If the other candidates don’t understand that it is because they believe in a fantasy land where the law is universally obeyed. It would be nice if that were the case, but to see the reality, one only needs to look at how successful we have been in the war on drugs. The ultimate choice to take illegal drugs still lies with the individual.

It is extremely refreshing to have a candidate who understands the real world, and how it works. It is refreshing to hear him speak honestly about that world. The crowd inside the beltway seems to lack Cain’s insight, and the result is that they pass law after law with horrendous unintended consequences and seem utterly unable to see it. Herman Cain is a real man for a real America.

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