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ICE Arrests 300 Fugitive Illegal Aliens in South Florida

 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials Monday announced the arrests of 330 fugitive illegal aliens in one of the largest customs enforcement operations ever undertaken in South Florida. The arrests were made over a two-week period and involved Palm Beach, Miami-Dade and Broward counties. In an apparent slap at President Obama’s recent executive- amnesty orders that he is trying to implement once again by executive fiat, while completely ignoring the fact that Congress voted down his Dream Act, Michael Rozos, the Director of ICE’s Florida field office stated: "Our message is clear: The days when illegal aliens in this nation willfully ignore immigration judges’ orders are over."  How refreshing it is to hear that a government agent is demanding that the rule of law in America be obeyed 24/7/365 !  Thank you Mr. Rozos.  Warren Buffet received the "Medal of Freedom" for basically being nothing more than a political operative in support of Obama, so what say we give Mr. Rozos 10 Freedom Medals for keeping Floridians free from these illegal criminals and their effects on our economy and state programs before we end up 20 billion dollars in the red like the proud Illegal Sanctuary State of California:


Officials said the arrests are just a small portion of the nation’s backlog of immigration violators: about 597,000 total fugitives. The numbers are so large that South Florida’s enforcement teams are set to increase from five to seven later on this month.  When DHS Secretary Janet napolitani says that our southern border is more secure than ever before in history based on the number of phony deportations,she is proven not only to be a mathematically-challenged propagandist but also proven to be a danger to this country. When JNP, (for Janet Napolitano the Propagandist) all you have to do to understand her manipulation is to watch the show  Border Wars on the Nat-Geo channel.

 In that show we see illegals caught trying to sneak into the country, actual convicted felons and drug smugglers, along with human traffickers that are caught near our border simply turned loose back to Mexico in a little known gimmick as "Voluntary Return." JNP then counts these voluntary returns as "deportations" to inflate the DHS statistics. When she claims that deportations are up by a whopping percentage, that is largely due to the fact that before her appointment as the  DHS  Dream-Act- Queen- by Barack Obama, they did NOT count people stopped at the border as being deported. A person caught while illegally entering the United States is not in fact "deported, but she knows this, yet uses it anyway to skew the deportation statistics. According to ICE/DHS statistics,  there are over 500,000 fugitive illegal aliens in America today who simply ignored the Immigration Judge’s deportation order and are running loose in America in violation of federal law. This is also a huge part of the DHS hidden Dream Act fraud being played upon America today. When honorable state ICE and other  law enforcement agencies arrest illegals they turn them over to the FEDS, who more times than not let them go simply if they promise to show up for an immigration hearing.  Which they promptly ignore, so then we have the added cost burdens of filing felony  fugitive warrants on them. Why in the hell not send them back to their host country immediately, as our original laws call for, instead of releasing them for years and then having to track them down?  This appears to be a simple case of ignorance and incompetence from within DHS, UNLESS someone wanted to overload the system in order to collapse it to effect the very same "transformative change,"  as it states in the Rules for Radicals Marxist operators manual written by Saul Alinsky, and stated much-favored reading material of Barack Obama while in college.

 There are currently estimated to be between 15 and 20 million illegal immigrants in America today. Considering that, contrary to the lies and propaganda spewed by the  irresponsible vote-beggars of Congress, these illegals are crushing State’s budgets, especially Medicaid funding.  Who do you think picks up the tab for the millions of illegal anchor babies born in this country  year, after year, after year, Santa Claus?  The Easter Rabbit? The Tooth Fairy? Lets get real here people . One simple example of Illegals costing taxpayers billions of dollars a year, thanks to the Congress critters who refuse to obey the law and deport them immediately upon discovery,  WIC, the program for AMERICAN  Women, Infants, and Children has now become MWIC, for Mexican Women Infants and Children,  and we see the proof every single time we go to the grocery store here in Florida!  There is basically only one requirement to get  WIC coupons from our taxpayer-funded WIC program: Applicants must live in the state in which they apply.  So much for the lies being told that illegals are just hard-working people who increase our revenues and are not a drain on our society there, isn’t it? 

Thank you again Mr. Rozos, and all the brave ICE agents of Florida for trying to enforce immigration laws in Florida and deport them as mandated in said laws. Eventually the DHS Dream Act puppets that are ignoring federal immigration laws and the Congressional refusal to enact The Dream Act, should and hopefully will be brought up on charges one day soon. Just like in the U. S. Military, when a government official orders a subordinate to break the law, said official can be brought up on criminal charges. What say you Congress?

              27-year veteran ICE Chief Anthony Mangione arrested on child porn charges in Broward County Florida.

In related Florida immigration news, we see that the Director of the Florida ICE office in Miami was arrested on child pronography charges last Tuesday according to local media reports. Fighting child pornography was one of the tasks that the Miami ICE office. Another case of the fox being put in charge of guarding the hen-house there. In something that appears to be some kind of cover-up, ICE Chief Anthony Mangione’s arrest was documented in Broward County public records, but specific charges were not listed immediately. The FBI has found child pornography on his home computer after it was confiscated back in April as part of a child porn investigation.Mangione has been with ICE for 27 years and was soon set to retire. Now it appears as if he will be "retiring" to prison for several years, if these charges are proven correct. Federal officials at the Justice Dept and U.S. Marshall’s offices are refusing to comment, pointing to this as still being an ongoing investigation with possible future arrests. If this man is proven guilty, it is good to see him taken off the streets of Florida and away from our children.



Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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