Editorial Cartoons

Qaddafi Makes the Wall


A.F. Branco

Political cartoonist extraordinaire! Readers will now be able to enjoy his razor-sharp political humor on a regular basis.

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One Comment

  1. OMG Tony! What an awesome toon! This is fabulous! I especially like the US economy up there on the wall of the dead! It’s not funny, but I’ve been laughing since I saw it!
    Great job! AS USUAL!
    This one has to go viral!

  2. Anthony, You keep hitting these political topics so squarely you knock the skin right off the ball. You need to be published in broad-circulation papers like IBD or WSJ. Most paper publications are too far left to publish your frank perspectives. Keep up the excellent work!

    Joe Conservative
    Preserve liberty. Oppose tyranny. Know the difference.

  3. Another GREAT one being forwarded to others who will appreciate it as much as I do. Thanks!

  4. I often use you cartoons at my Obama Cartoons site. First became aware of you through Bill Smith’s site at ARRA News Service. Will be posting your video sometime tomorrow at my TOTUS site. Always give a link back to you. Keep up the great work Tony!

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