Ann Coulter Dukes It Out (Proverbially) With Joy Behar
Never one to shy away from controversy, Ann Coulter is stirring the pot yet again.
While on the Hannity Show, Ms. Coulter made the statement, “our blacks are so much better than their blacks“. In this clips, she’s on with the equally controversial Joy Behar, defending her statement, discussing racism in America today, and showing support for Herman Cain.
Ann! I love you! (and I mean that in a brotherly, non-harassment way)
Great post Cindi!!!!
Thanks Tony! I LOVE Ann Coulter! I don’t always agree with her, but I love her grit!
I am so glad that once again Ann Coulter has proved what type of a person she is. “Our Blacks” and “Their Blacks” ? I consider that offensive. I also want to know if she has ever studied the Civil War and what laws were passed as a result of that war? If you do not know your history, then you have no one to blame but yourself.