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Bill Schulz Finds Cigarettes For $3.00 A Pack

Tired of paying 13 bucks for a pack of cigs, Bill Schulz finds a place in NYC that lets you roll your own smokes.  Buying it loose leaf and putting it through a machine that they have on site, you can assemble your own pack of cigarettes for a little more than three dollars.  Hope and change, indeed.  The down side?  City officials in New York are rumored to be shutting places like this down. (that’s what happens when you get in the way of their “sin” tax)

What do you guys think?  Is it even worth going to shops like that to roll your cigarettes?  If you’re a heavy smoker, it might be, but if you don’t smoke that much, the added time and hassle might not make it worth your while.  Still… It’s nice that this option exists (for now).  And if New York City does shut this operation down, how do you feel?  Is that the government trying to maximize the taxes it collects from us?  Or is it just looking out for our health? (a line I’m sure they’ll try to use)

Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook.  And as always, we’re looking out for you. (or something like that)

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  1. Many years ago when I was poor, well poorer than I am now, there used to be this tobacco you could buy in a can. With it were some rolling papers and a littel machine with a booklet of instructions. The device was for rolling your own cigarettes with the little machine. You’d sprinkle some tobacco into the paper and lick the edge and turn the little handle on one side of the littel machine and the paper, tobacco would disappear into the little machine. The name of this tobacco was Lareado. You’d turn the little handle and…shazam!… a cigarette would roll out of the other end of the little machine. I always thought that was so cool. You could take a empty pack of cigs and roll up twenty or so and you’d look like you had a store bought pack of cigs.

    They may still make this cigarette making kit, and if they don’t then somebody needs to call somebody and find out if the patent has run out and if it has, or you can get permission from the company who made Loreado cigarettes and see if they would let you make the little machine for sale, yourself. With the economy like it is, if you still aren’t kidding yourself and thinking you’ll be able to quit and won’t feel a thing, like one day you smoke, and the next day you don’t, when I’ve read testimonials from Heroin addicts who said it was harder to get off of cigarettes easier than it was to get off of Heroin. So just look for some cheap cigs, or make your own.

    But three dollars a pack equivilant is not so hot if your ask me. That’s still to high. I thought I’d be able to quit once they got to two dollars a pack, but I was kidding myself. I have kept up no matter what the price. So am I looking for a cheaper way to buy cigarettes. And under three dollars a pack is what I’m talking about.

    So Loreado’s here I come!!

  2. Nice post and We are offering best wide range of products of smokeless tobacco, blunt wraps and single swishers. If you are interested in our services then please kindly contact us at 4252078465.

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