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Mr. Morality, Bill Clinton Calls for an End to Presidential Term Limits

Impeached, former president Bill Clinton specifically told Morning Joe that while he does not think he should be allowed to pollute our White House again in the future, run for POTUS again, so just whom would he have in mind when he says U.S. Presidents should be able to take a little break and then run for reelection again?  He tells America that we should just repeal the 22nd amendment to the U.S. Constitution in the above interview. Would Bill be suggesting that he would like his good friend, G.W. Bush to be allowed another shot at being our president? Not likely there, despite the media-muckers pathetic attempts to convince us that those two are lifelong buddies today. How about digging up Progressive Poppa FDR for a fifth term? He has certainly has had a good long rest. [in a graveyard where it is quite peaceful] I,m sure the progressive stage prop managers of today could find one of their Hollywood make-up artist pals to make FDR look presentable for photo shoots for another presidential campaign if they tried hard enough.  No, FDR probably wouldn’t be elected to another term today, as the whole world now knows FDR died of a massive brain tumor that exploded in a stroke that killed him.( That sure explains a lot, as far as how mentally competent the author of the progressive New Deals 1 and 2, was during his time in office) 

Stop the presses!  What if the person to whom Bill is referring to isn’t an ex-President of the United States ? What if Bill Clinton has now come to the reality of the distinct possibility that Barack Obama will become a one and done President by being thrown out of office in the 2012 elections? Barry is still relatively young, and with a few more years of mentoring from Billy Clinton and Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, Barry just might be able to hide enough of his record to make another run for POTUS in the future. Would the American citizenry ever be so gullible and politically ignorant enough, to ignore just what Barack Hussein Obama has done to this country during his first term in office, and elect him at a future date? They certainly proved to be just that in 2008, when they elected him the first time, didn’t they?

   Pictured at the left is President Obama, Bill Clinton and Chicago slumlord extraordinaire Valerie Jarrett, whom with no actual credible experience in government is now serving as a senior adviser to the President, and whom many say is the driving force behind the far left Liberal Obama policies that have plagued this nation for over three years now.  We can only surmise  just what Clinton was lecturing Obama about on that occasion, yet when considering Clinton’s recent calling for the repeal of the 22nd amendment on Presidential term limits, we could now draw the following caption:

 “Now listen, Barry, these ignorant Americans have somehow caught on to our Socialistic agenda of transforming America into a third-world rat-hole by trampling on the U.S. Constitution and bypassing Congress by enforcing illegal laws by executive fiat, so here is what we are going to do. We will start a national propaganda campaign to repeal the 22nd amendment, so that when the American voters throw you out of office in the 2012 elections, we can reinsert you at a later date to continue our Socialistic agenda. Remember, I am the expert here on fooling the American public, just look at how I got away with saying I never had sex with Monica. Even though I was impeached, there are still enough gullible sheep who think we are the Democrats of yesteryear who actually cared about the working class and the poor. “

In getting back to the above interview with Joe Scarborough, once again Americans are being lectured by disgraced ex- President Bill Clinton, he of the “Head White House intern, Monica Lewinsky goes down under in the White House” fame.  With 2012 GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain facing an avalanche of allegations of “attempted” vague sexual advances while being married, ( just as Clinton was when he actually cheated on Hillary) and the media flooding our lives with the related sensationalist headlines across America the past few weeks, we must ask ourselves why we  constantly allow ourselves to be lectured by Slick Willy Clinton, the former pot-smoking-but-never-inhaling, philandering, dishonest, morally bankrupt adulterer, on anything concerning our lives today. Has America become that soullessly ignorant or so completely morally bankrupt today? Considering that the infamous “Little Blue Dress” Monica Lewinsky was wearing at the time she was showing Willy just how delicious she thought he was  started a pop-culture-like worship once upon a time, yes,  I,d say America is well on their way to becoming 100% morally bankrupt.

Willy refused to actually identify the actual piece of legislation that created term limits in America, while slickly also avoiding mentioning by name the Democratic President that the 22nd amendment was specifically drawn up for, to prevent future Presidents from remaining in the White House for more than two terms. That would be what many historians believe to be considered the father of the Progressive/Socialist movement in America, one Franklin Delano Roosevelt. (FDR) Not to be confused with the Grandfather of the progressive movement, Mr. Woodrow Wilson, with a dishonorable mention going to semi-Republican Teddy Roosevelt.

Past Progressive Presidents make GOP candidate Herman Cain look like an alter boy.

FDR was the President of the United States from 1933 – 1945.  President Franklin Roosevelt died in the first year of his fourth presidential term. In the room with him at the time of his death was his daughter, Anna Roosevelt Boettiger, an artist doing a portrait of FDR and…. his longtime mistress, one Lucy Mercer Rutherfurd.  Upon hearing of her husband’s death, Mrs. Roosevelt faced not only the disturbing news of FRD’s death, but also the fact that his mistress was with him on his deathbed in the White House.   While U.S Presidential history is chock full of philandering, womanizing, morally bankrupt adulterers, (FDR, JFK, Willy Clinton) today’s progressive media hypocrites are today consumed with Herman Cain’s ”suggested” or “wishful” unfaithfulness to his wife by unnamed and non-credible accusers. Golly gee whiz Batman, imagine what they would be doing if Herman Cain actually had Bialik under the White House desk like Slick Willy did, or carried on a decades long affair with a mistress who was at his bedside upon his death right in the White House? (As Poppa-Progressive FDR did)

The last thing the American people will ever allow to happen is the repealing of the 22nd amendment of Willy Clinton’s dreams in order to allow the Marxist ideologue and lifelong Bill Ayers student, Barack Obama to slither back into the White House again. It is also immensely disgusting to see the progressive-liberal media operatives putting the perverted, unfaithful adulterer who disgraced the United States office of the Presidency for all the world to see, on national television to lecture the American people.  Bill Clinton is a disgrace to this great nation, and nothing more.

2012 just can’t get here fast enough!







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