Obama Promotes Lawlessness in Our Nation's Capitol: Occupy DC Camps to Stay
White House spokesman Jay “The Carnival Barker” Carney announced that President Obama is aware of the recent raids on the [filthy, unsanitary, and lawless illegal squatters] Occupy protests across America in which the Occupiers are being evicted in droves from city parks/property, simply because the actual 99% of the people (taxpayers) who are paying for this mess have had enough. NYC mayor Bloomberg raided Zucotti park on Tuesday night at 1 am, kicked the protesters out and brought in dumpsters, fire-hoses, and thousands of gallons of disinfectant to clean the park up, after which he announced that the park would be kept sanitary for ALL the citizens of NYC, and there will be no more Occupy pajama parties there 24/7. Although Bloomberg’s sudden acknowledgment his duties as per of the rule of law in NYC came about some 2 months late, enabling this debacle to get way out of control, in the end he came to his senses, so to speak. ( with heavy prodding from fed-up NYC businesses, citizens, and Stock Exchange employees) Now that the head of the Occupy Wall Street snake has been cut off in Zucotti park, along with several other cities taking action to eradicate the plague know as OWS, surely the Occupy DC plague will no longer be allowed to break federal laws and camp out in our nation’s capitol right? Not quite. I now refer you to Barack Obama’s personal carnival barker’s statement yesterday:
“We would hope and want as these decisions are made that a balance is sought between a long tradition of freedom of assembly and freedom of speech in this country…and also the very important need to maintain law and order and health and safety standards,” Mr. Carney said. (emphasis mine and for a good reason)
When Mr. Carney expresses Obama’s desire to “maintain law and order and health and safety standards” in our nation’s capitol, we have to question just how building a structure and occupying Federal land in DC applies to that statement. The following DC occupancy laws certainly apply to anyone putting up a structure that people will “oocupy” or live in, not to mention trespassing/loitering laws concerning federal land. Before building any structure in DC you must obtain a Certificate of Occupancy:
The purpose of the Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) is to ensure that the use of a building, structure or land in the District of Columbia is compatible with the general intent of the Zoning Regulations and the provisions of the DC Building Codes. Consequently, no person can use a structure or land in the District of Columbia for any purpose other than a single-family dwelling until a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued for that structure. The fee is based on square-footage. No Occupy DC does not have a C of O., nor have they applied for one, therefore Barack Obama is condoning lawlessness in allowing the Occupiers to stay in DC. I supply the following photo from Occupy DC to make my point clear:

With the head of the OWS snake now cut off in NYC, the Occupy protests will be looking for a new center, or headquarters for their movement, and Barack Obama now wants to give them McPherson Square right in the heart of our nation’s capitol for it. It is simply unacceptable for the President of the United States to be promoting the breaking of laws in DC just to further his reelection campaign and to appease the far left radicals behind this astro-turf, anti-capitalist Occupy movement, period. What kind of a message will this send to tourists from other nations coming to visit our nation’s capitol? Considering the criminal element that has reared it’s ugly head within these camps, what happens when a foreign tourist is robbed, raped, or even worse yet, killed by one of the criminals lurking within the midst of the Occupy DC movement? What would happen if the Tea Party decided to camp in front of the Washington memorial for a few months? Why, they would be run out of DC faster than a bunch of chickens at a national fox convention.
Call your Representatives in Congress and demand the enforcement of the rule of law in our nation’s capitol. Evict the Occupy DC camps before it gets any further out of control. 2012 just can’t get here fast enough !