Richmond Tea Party Sues City for Refund: City Responds "We're Auditing You!"







Via Gateway Pundit:

The Richmond Tea Party is suing the city of Richmond after they were charged $10,000 to hold three rallies, while occupiers have been allowed to camp out indefintely in the same public plaza.  The Republic reports:

The Richmond tea party is demanding a refund of about $10,000 from the city, claiming it unfairly charged them for rallies while allowing the Occupy protesters to use the same space for several weeks for free.

The political organization is sending the city an invoice for the charges incurred for three rallies held in Kanawha Plaza over the past three years. The Occupy protesters have been camped in the plaza since Oct. 15.

Richmond Tea Party spokeswoman Colleen Owens says it’s not fair that her group had to pay fees for permits, portable toilets, police presence and emergency personnel. The group also had to purchase a $1 million insurance policy.

The Richmond Tea Party sent their letter in late October.  On November 14th the City of Richmond sent the RTC a letter in return informing them that they were being audited.  Here is the letter, obtained by Right Side News: 

Does this seem like coincidence?  Do you think the occupiers in their tent cities will be receiving a similar letter in the near future?  Spread the word about this outrage.  Call or contact Cynthia Carr, Field Auditor and express your disgust at this obvious act of intimidation using government resources.  Repost this letter and links to blogs that mention it.  This intimidation and unfair treatment of peaceful, law-abiding voters must not stand.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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