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SHOCKER: Obama Administration's National Emergency Test Fails

In light of disasters like Solyndra, Project Fast and Furious, and the unemployment rate, the Department of Homeland security figured it would have to step its game up, if it wanted to be recognized in this administration full of failures.  So, they botched the National Emergency Alert yesterday, and they botched it good.  ABC went so far as to ask if the alert was a “total failure”.  Check out these two videos below and tell us what you think.  One shows the EAS alert playing Lady Gaga music. (I can’t make this up)  And the other is a special video from the “president”, himself.

Lady Gaga on the EAS:

The President doing his own EAS test. (although this video has not been “confirmed” just yet)

What do you guys think?  It’s just our emergency broadcast system, right?  I mean who cares if it works?  What are your thoughts?  Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook or Twitter.

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One Comment

  1. Not surprising at all, considering we have a community organizer for a President who is more suited to being the “Occupier in Chief” of the Occupy Wall Street protests than this country. Nice reporting AI.

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