Disturbing Find in Walmart Clothes
We’ve heard the warnings for years about the dangers of Halloween Candy.
We’ve read the emails of various odd attacks targeting specific people happening around the country.
So much of the time, these things are hoaxes.
This, however, is not a hoax.
Some customers at a Georgia Wal-Mart were stuck with hypodermic needles hidden in clothes on Black Friday. I would say it’s a bit more than disturbing.
I heard about this on the national news on the radio. I don’t watch TV news either, and I don’t know if it was on. But, I did hear about it several times on radio national news. I have no idea where these came from, or if the cops think somebody stuck them in those clothes to stick someone. The people who got stuck said they were going to get checked for AIDS and some other tests like Hepititus, which the people who got stuck said they were concerned about. Wal Mart is paying for them to get the tests, I believe.
It’s a crazy crazy world in 2011….no wonder people theorize about the end of days coming in 2012. I bet GOD IS pissed off at what we, humans, have done to each other and to HIS perfect Earth. I’d erase the mess We’ve all made here and start over if I were HIM. I’d start with the jerks who put needles in clothing at Wally World. Sad!!