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Illinois Legislators Increase Taxes 66% and Cut .. Nothing

In the 2010 election, Illinois voters chose to keep a Democrat controlled State House and Senate, although by a slimmer margin than in years past.  How unfortunate for workers in the land of Lincoln.

As The New York Times reported, State legislators pushed through and passed a massive 66% tax increase in the hours before the new State Congress took over.

Even grudging supporters of the tax increase, which won no Republican support in a state capital controlled by Democrats, voiced a desperate sense of regret over the circumstances in which Illinois finds itself. State Representative Elaine Nekritz, a Democrat who voted for the increase, described her decision as an alternative “between bad and worse.” Another Democrat cautioned his colleagues: “We don’t have a better choice today.”

It appears as though spending cuts were not an option the liberal body wanted to consider.  Instead, Illinoisans will be asked to give more of their paychecks to the spend-easy State government.  Governor Quinn, also a Democrat, appears ready to sign the tax increase the moment it hits his desk.

Gov. Patrick J. Quinn, a Democrat whose signature would be needed to make any rate increase final, has indicated in the past he believes a tax increase is necessary.

The increases are on both the personal and corporate rates.  This will leave consumers with less money to spend and businesses with fewer reasons to stay in or relocate to Illinois.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. I believe they floated the idea (myth) that the increase would only hit coorporations in the beginning of this debate. Here is another Liberal myth in Illinois.They say this will only be for 2 or 3 years.( supposed to be “temporary”) Really? They haven’t implemented any transparent life-cycle budgeting, they haven’t cut any spending,and they fail to deal with their public pension Union-caused massive deficits. Is Rahm Emmanuel going to get the Federal Gov’t to bail them out? Not with the GOP house they aren’t. So I for one would like to ask these budget hawks from Illinois one simple question. “Just where will the money come from, to allow you to roll this tax back in 2-3 years?” Chicago will be the next Detroit soon. A once proud blue collar city, crushed by bugetary lies and gimmicks and Union pension entitlements.

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