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Media Matters Chief Sued by Gay Lover

Well, well, well, when people live in glass houses while making a living throwing stones, things are bound to get a little testy. (pun intended)  The Liberal propaganda artists over at Media Matters whom are paid operatives of the Democratic party, also known as D.A.M. (Democratic Attack Machine) are getting a very heavy dose of their own medicine finally. Considering that Media Matters was created for the sole reason purpose of hurling rocks at conservative houses across America back in 2004, by a man whom many deem to be nothing more that a propaganda-pushing fake journalist, and self proclaimed author Mr. David Brock.  According to Fox News, Mr. Brock was sued by a former gay lover, Mr. William Grey that was settled at the end of last year, albeit it very quietly, considering Mr. Brock’s status as as a White House-connected Liberal political operative. Courtesy of Fox News: (emphasis added)

Brock’s bitter legal battle with Grey, who is  described in a Sept. 14, 2010, police report obtained by FoxNews.com as his  domestic partner of more than 10 years, began after Brock began dating  Washington, D.C., restaurant impresario James Alefantis about five years ago.  For the next three years, Brock and Grey traded angry accusations, which were  documented in the police report and were the foundation of a pitched legal  battle replete with charges of blackmail, theft and financial malfeasance.

Read the police report detailing the lawsuit

The fairy tale like relationship fell apart over $170,000 worth of “community property” that consisted mainly of furniture that was in their Washington townhouse, where the gay couple entertained big time Liberal “movers and shakers.”   What is astounding, is the fact that the acrimonious shattering of this love affair between two men, one of which makes his living hurling political ball-busting boulders at anything conservative, has been kept relatively quiet for over two years, at least up until now.

The Daily Caller  has been at the forefront of exposing Media Matters malfeasance from the very beginning, unlike ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, etc. who continue to choose to turn a blind eye towards this completely discredited organization simply because they are bought and paid for by today’s  Liberal Democratic party and Barack Obama. (paid for with your tax dollars to a great extent) The Caller’s most recent expose’ into just who has been funding Media Matters leads right up to Bernie Madoff and company, which you may read here. There is also a complete page dedicated to real journalistic reporting and truth-telling about Mr. Brock’s enterprise, Media Matters. It takes courage to stand up to these very well-funded Liberal propagandists, and all of these brave folks deserve a hearty round of applause for their dedicated reporting on topics which the irresponsible mainstream media continue to hide from the public.

How does that saying go again? “Hell hath no fury, like a woman ( or gay lover) scorned.” Anyone concerned over whether Mr. Brock could end up unemployed over all of the Media Matters malfeasance that has come to light recently, should not really fret too much. There’s plenty of these Liberal propaganda outfits operating today with the help of  Liberal political operatives who chose to call themselves “news reporters.” Think Progress, which is just another arm of the Center for American Progress comes to mind here, considering that it is now being run by former Obama kingmaker John Podesta, he of Clinton media management and manipulation fame. They are all just covert forms of the national network of the Democratic Attack Machine.

Note: Tucker Carlson, the founder and editor-in-chief of The Daily Caller has even drawn counter-attacks from another media arm of D.A.M.  Politico in attempts to discredit the Media Matters expose’.  Truth-telling is making a comeback… and ruffling a lot of Liberal feathers along the way.


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