OpinionTrending Commentary

Proving the Slippery Slope

“It’s a slippery slope” – yeah .. that one. What if instead of a cliche, it were proved to exist – that slope of slip?

The Obama administration is still working out their strategy against the 1st amendment – more specifically the freedom of religion. They first tried to force Catholic churches, schools and facilities to pay for “contraceptive services”. That would first include birth control pills – but could easily be expanded to force the church to pay for plan B pills and even abortions. All of these are in direct opposition to the church’s teachings.

While Obama has pretended to back off the contraception ruling by allowing churches an exemption, he would still force their insurance companies to pay for services that the church is against. How is that more-aligned to the religious beliefs of the Catholic faithful? Anyone that believes Obama has given in or negotiated is believing the hype instead of analyzing the situation. He has simply found the spot at the top of the slippery slope that most Americans would accept.

Pre-born babies aren’t the only targets of the most oppressive regime in American history – now Obama is after the highly successful teachers at charter schools in an attempt to kill these non-union, non-NEA and very successful competitors to the failing schools system that the President firmly supports.

If we let Obama beat down the best teachers who have been attracted to a  better system of education and we let him suppress the beliefs of a large swath of Americans – who is to blame?

These are the issues that we must consider in the ballot box. These are the issues that every American must remind their members of Congress that they are upset with.

If you have not written your member of Congress about either – you are letting the government into increasingly personal parts of your life. Perhaps contraception of charter schools aren’t a big issue for you, but if you don’t fight this, it will not be long until the government goes after that which you hold dear. This is the line that must be held – the line at the edge of a very slippery slope indeed.

here’s how you find your member of Congres:

Just enter your zip code and email, call, write, protest.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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