
President Obama's Treacherous Deals with the Russians

President Obama gave a hot mic supplication to departing Russian president Dmitry Medvedev that Putin should give him more “space” and “flexibility” on such national security issues as Anti-Ballistic Missile defense. According to Obama, this will be his “last election,” after all.

Of course, any mention of this eye-popping exchange outside the credentialed press will be spun by Pravda West as mere blog fodder for de-contextualized right-wing hysterics. Well, comrades, let’s at least make sure our hysterics are properly contextualized, shall we?

The exposed convo between the two outgoing presidents runs as follows and was originally reported by Jake Tapper of ABCNews:

President Obama: “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.”

President Medvedev: “Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…”

President Obama: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”

President Medvedev: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you.”

The exchange runs more like a series of Twitter replies between BFFs than a serious high-ranking discussion on national security. It’s time we start rummaging through Barack Obama’s closet to see what kind of Russian connections we can find.

Alright, a boatload of Матрёшкu, some empty Stoli bottles, and a Russian mail order bride catalogue… hmm. Okay, here’s the good stuff:

  • After unsurprisingly attractive female Russian spy Anna Chapman is captured by American counter-intelligence, the Obama administration releases her spy ring in exchange for… a carton of black market Pall Malls? No, but close. The Russkies’ release of four accused spies… who aren’t even Americans.  No blabbing about a suspected mole in the NSA, no blue prints revealing Russia’s ABM countermeasures, only a foxy photo spread in Russian Maxim in exchange! Men, I think we got the better end of that bargain, don’tcha think? Meoww!
  • Russian President Medvedev engaged in drunken saber-rattling with the demand that America remove Theater Wide Defense from Europe. This was despite the Obama administration’s supine proposals to “cooperate” with the Russians on certain aspects of missile defense. Yes, and maybe swimmers in the South Atlantic should cooperate with sharks over the issue of what’s for dinner?
  • The most belligerent Noble Peace Prize winner in world history has pledged to work towards a world without nuclear weapons. No, seriously. Obama proposed a good faith sacrifice in this quixotic crusade to make a unilateral cut of our nuclear weapons by up to 80%. This would put our stores below even Chinese levels, let alone Russian stockpiles. Who else is for a “flexible” second term? Hands, anyone?
  • The president conceded disputed oil-rich territory in the North Pacific and the Arctic to the Russians. According to bilateral treaties with the Russians going back to 1867, the United States had developed a claim to islands off the coast of Alaska. One is tempted to dub this “Obama’s Folly,” but it is hard to imagine any unforeseen upside in the deal. Unless Russia secretly conceded to allow Obama free reign on the world’s algae supplies.
  • Russian billionaire Alexei Mordashov, ranked in the top 50 on Forbes’ wealthiest people in the world at around $19 billion net worth, applied to the Department of Energy for a green subsidy to assist with Government Motors manufacturing. According to Investors Business Daily, Mordashov was given a $773 million loan to produce special high-quality steel, already available in ample supply, for the disastrously unmarketable Chevy Volt.
  • Despite Russia’s arming of Syrian dictator Bashir Assad, who has bloodily repressed a domestic uprising, the administration has remained remarkably quiet. The same might be said of the Russians’ assistance of the Iranian nuclear weapons energy program at Bushehr. In fact, the Russians’ human rights violations and jeopardizing of international security might be the only matters this garrulous president will keep quiet about.

The dirty laundry list could go on, but the sane have already come to the conclusion that something is amiss in the Oval Office. After all, if you had taken a vodka shot for every time the president double-crossed America, you’d be drunker than a Russian sailor on payday.

If it turns out that the Wikileaker was right that the Russians got the best president money could buy, one could hardly color a prescient observer with a surprised face. Obama has been more supine than a Romanian gymnast while bending over backwards for ‘Vlady Daddy’ (“he likes to pahty, he don’t start trouble, he don’t botha nobody”).

The problem with the president having a man-crush on Putin is you can take the man out of the KGB, but you can’t take the KGB out of the man. And as far as the Kremlin is concerned, it is sure starting to look a lot like Obama is “our man in Washington.”

You can call this crazy, but the proper response is that the things our president is doing are crazy.

Kyle Becker blogs at RogueGovernment, and can be followed on Twitter as @RogueOperator1. He writes freelance for several publications, including American Thinker and OwntheNarrative and is a regular commentator on the late night talk show TB-TV.

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One Comment

  1. Chapman was always a diversion. It is foreign policy so you look at the State Department, WH advisers and staff, CIA, (DOD unlikely, we stuck them with Gates in late 2008). CIA was also less likely not Neon Leon, not intentional. Not Clinton on purpose, someone under her in State or on WH staff.

    The two prime candidates are State and the Staff.

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