Obama Literally Re-Writes History In Black and White

It is no secret that liberals have re-written most of our historical events, but the newest re-writing of history is more blatant than anything previously.

Starting with 1923, with the biography of President Calvin Coolidge, all but one Presidential Profile on the official government website has been re-written to add Obama’s “place in history” alongside that particular president.

Evidently history cannot stand without Obama’s agenda, so a new footnote section has been added on each of the revised biographies, entitled, “Did You Know?”

This discovery was made by the Heritage Foundation’s Rory Cooper, who said he originally found it “funny”, until he realized how many biographies had been changed. Mr. Cooper hit the twittersphere with the hashtag #ObamaInHistory, mocking Obama’s narcissism.

When asked about the additions to the Presidential Biographies, which were written by historian Michael Beschloss and journalist Hugh Sidey, a White House official, who spoke to the press on the condition of anonymity said:

“We simply added links at the bottom of each page to related whitehouse.govcontent, which is a commonly used best practice to encourage people to browse more pages on a site.”

Here are some examples of our new, re-written, Obama-agenda history:

Last but not least, the man that Obama loves to blame the most, George W. Bush:

  • In 2002, President George W. Bush’s State of the Union was the first to be live broadcast on the Internet. In 2011 and 2012, President Obama’s State of the Union speeches were available in an enhanced live stream versionthat featured infographics, charts and data side-by-side in real time with the President’s speech.
  • In 2009, former President Bush partnered with 42nd President Clinton tohelp rebuild Haiti, after the country was devastated by an earthquake.

One thing is for certain: there doesn’t seem to be any other president in history that loved himself more than Barack Obama.

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  1. How about a shadow column about what obama didn’t do; like failing to attend the National Day of Prayer, etc.

  2. Did Beschloss and Sidey write the additions or just the original content? Why would President Obama’s name appear in any other biography of a president?

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