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Congressman Louis Gohmert Torches Attorney General Holder in Fast & Furious Hearings

Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas interrupted the ritual thanking of Attorney General Eric Holder for his precious time; that is, when Holder’s not stonewalling or outright lying to the Hill. The former prosecutor and judge launched into a measured attack on the integrity of the current Department of Justice.

What set Gohmert off on his bout of righteous indignation? Holder’s revealing complaints about the political pressures he has to weigh while at the Justice department.

Watch the video below, via The Right Scoop.

This type of principled outrage should be routine in a Congress that has seen unconstitutional power grabs, unfettered spending, and serial insolence from a sitting president.

That is in addition to the absurd games played by Holder alone, like the claim that mentions of “Fast and Furious” in procured emails don’t actually refer to “Operation Fast and Furious.” Yeah, that’s the ticket.

At one point, Holder retorts to Rep. Jason Chaffetz that the words don’t actually mean what they say because he has “superior knowledge.” We’ll have to take his word for it, because he has currently released only 7,600 of the 140,000 requested by Congress.

When Eric Holder wasn’t being jocular and flippant with his interlocutors, he was giving them what could be referred to as “the Holder run-around.” Darrell Issa, for his part, blasted the Attorney General for not being a good witness, because “a good witness answers the question that was asked.”

The Republicans, for their part, put on a great show, but let’s hope that it’s more than just that — a show. We’ve all had more than enough kabuki theater the last three years when it comes to getting results.

No less than a Holder censure at this stage in the game will satisfy conservatives, and most I know actually want to see him in an orange prison jumpsuit.

Let’s hope these hearings are setting the tone for a campaign season whose negative tenor was spearheaded by Democrats reaching all the way to the top. The GOP should not be afraid to take Democrats to task for their shameful abuses of political office.

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  1. The rebubs need to quit the bs, stand up or shut up! They have enough to prosecute this sob but are too chicken. This is why the ranks of R’s are dwindling and going Independent!

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