In The NewsOpinion

Fast and Furious and Further Proof That the Obama Administration Is Delusional

Yes, we’ve been saying it all along that Obama and the three-ring circus, otherwise known as his administration, and the Democrats on the Hill, are absolutely delusional. In what should be a futile attempt to protect Attorney General Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi stepped in it yet again.

Yes, she really is that stupid. No, Nancy, this doesn’t have a damn thing to do with the latest manufactured nonsense from the Democrats about voter suppression. This is about the fact that there is a mother and father out there that wants to know the truth about what happened to their son. But hey, I guess we can give you a pass on the finer points here, since the Obama Administration in general can’t seem to remember that border patrol agent’s name in the first place.

His name is Brian Terry, and he was killed with weapons that Attorney General Eric Holder authorized to be sent across the border, and handed to drug cartels in Mexico. It’s one name, and it’s been repeated countless times in the past 18 months. We all know you’re all a little mentally inept there in the White House, but really? Well, maybe you should get a pass on that as well, since even your own mouthpieces in the press can’t get the story straight.

I guess we can take at least a little solace in the fact that AG Holder was finally cornered on his little blame game. Yes, he finally did acknowledge under oath that “Fast and Furious” was not the same as “Wide Receiver”, but given the history of this administration so far, don’t expect that is the end of the “Blame Bush” meme on this case.

Now, if we expect the Obama Administration to be honest about this case, we’re just as delusional as they are. Perhaps the most disturbing fact in all of this is the apathy surrounding the situation. While it should be, it is not being compared with Watergate. We should be listening to men like Fred Thompson, and more importantly, acting. No, “Fast and Furious” is not a distraction. Yes, the Romney campaign should be focusing primarily on the economy, however some time should be dedicated to this case. It is not just about getting closure for Brian Terry’s family. It is about an administration that has overstepped the bounds, and placed our border patrol personnel in jeopardy. It is about a pervasive arrogance that has consumed not only this administration, but also the political left in this country in general.

I’ve only barely scratched the surface here with this little round-up of information and clips this week. It probably isn’t the last time I’ll say anything about this, but in the meantime, I strongly suggest that you educate yourselves, and read Katie Pavlich’s book below.

Liz Harrison (twitter: @GoldwaterGal)

Liz is a mostly-retired veteran political campaign worker, wife, mom, opinionated gal, fiscal conservative, anti-social-conservative, atheist, and foreign affairs/Mid-East politics junkie.

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