Free Market Advocacy Group spending big money this season

The commonly held thought that the general public doesn’t pay attention to political issues until the fall months has been proven shattered.  Americans For Prosperity, a nationwide issue advocacy group, is breaking the mold when it comes to educating the public by launching a multimillion dollar ad campaign and grassroots activist effort well before “election season.” And according to AFP President Tim Phillips, it’s gaining momentum.

“We’re in Montana now on a bus tour and the crowds are big. The response is significant,” says Phillips. “Traditional thought that people only pay attention at the end isn’t true any more.”

Capitalizing on the stunning statement made by President Obama that “the private sector is doing fine,” the newly released AFP ad includes shocking statistics to back up their claim that the president’s economic policy is failing the American people.

Phillips acknowledged President Obama’s attempt to walk-back the statement for political reasons, but asserted that Obama’s true feelings about the private sector were clearly revealed in the president’s off-the-cuff remark.

AFP has targeted several states including Florida, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and others for both the huge ad buy and “on the ground” efforts to mobilize citizens.  They plan to expand door-to-door activity and phone banks as the campaign season rolls on.

“Americans For Prosperity is a genuine longterm grassroots organization to stand up for economic freedom,” continued Phillips. “We plan to make a big difference.”

View the new ad here: “Doing Fine”

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One Comment

  1. AFP’s pretense of defict hawkery is pure spin that will benefit big donors at the expense of jobs and our economy: Take your pick: GOP plans either explode deficit or hike taxes on middle class.

    Karl Rove’s AFP push polls, promotes privatization of Medicare, SS, edu, etc. (means taxpayer pay more for less, like prison outsourcing, so that Wall Street will profit). Promotes killing 3 million more jobs with transportation bill obstruction by GOP House, then uses correlation to blame the effects of GOP policies on Obama instead.

    Promotes regulation repeals for freedom to have have more financial crises, more bailouts, more corporate welfare, more profits for big donors, more regulatory capture. Just look at history. AFP has supported GOP preventing state layoffs (first time in modern history), so they can tank economy, then edit out of context Obama’s pointing the finger at GOP for state layoffs.

    Karl Rove’s Americans for prosperity just keeps it coming! Vote GOP to screw taxpayers, for Rove’s big donors’ profit!

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