I guess you can call that a “New York State of mind”.
I never looked back whan I left that welfare state.
Graet job once again Tony.
Thank you Bronx
Actually, it is only the mayor of New York City that wants this law passed. Please don’t broad-brush the whole state with this insanity. We upstaters aren’t that dumb.
I agree
Love it. Except there is no “pop” in NYC. It is soda.
There’s no pop or soda in TN its ALL coke.
You are always so current and perceptive.
John Boehner said: “Really Mayor Bloomberg is that all you have to think about?”
Thanks for pinpointing the absurd.
Thank you Alan
How about this…
Protecting from Serving 32oz.
Since 2012
No slight to police intended…not their fault. Might be a whole new division inside DCFS.
First thought: Our forefathers would not have stood for laws about beverages.
Second thought: Wait, They did have controversy over beverages in colonial America–Tea.
So next in the news: expect disguised New Yorkers to assemble on Long Island Wharf…
I guess you can call that a “New York State of mind”.
I never looked back whan I left that welfare state.
Graet job once again Tony.
Thank you Bronx
Actually, it is only the mayor of New York City that wants this law passed. Please don’t broad-brush the whole state with this insanity. We upstaters aren’t that dumb.
I agree
Love it. Except there is no “pop” in NYC. It is soda.
There’s no pop or soda in TN its ALL coke.
You are always so current and perceptive.
John Boehner said: “Really Mayor Bloomberg is that all you have to think about?”
Thanks for pinpointing the absurd.
Thank you Alan
How about this…
Protecting from Serving 32oz.
Since 2012
No slight to police intended…not their fault. Might be a whole new division inside DCFS.
First thought: Our forefathers would not have stood for laws about beverages.
Second thought: Wait, They did have controversy over beverages in colonial America–Tea.
So next in the news: expect disguised New Yorkers to assemble on Long Island Wharf…