Opening this week: Runaway Slave-An Important Documentary

A powerful new documentary, “Runaway Slave,” opened this weekend. It’s been several years in the making, at times struggling to find funding. But this is an important movie for Americans, especially the African American population.

The movie follows the former NAACP chapter president Reverend C.L. Bryant, as he travels across the nation to encourage black citizens to “run from tyranny to liberty.”

Watch the trailer and you’ll want to see the whole movie:

In this controversial movie Rev. Bryant takes viewers on an historic journey across America retracing the footsteps of runaway slaves who escaped to freedom along routes that became known as the Underground Railroad.

Digital Journal: Rev. Bryant takes viewers on an historic journey across America that traces the footsteps of runaway slaves who escaped to freedom along routes that became known as the Underground Railroad. But in the film, he also travels a “new underground railroad” upon which Black Conservatives are speaking out against big government policies which have established a “new plantation” where “overseers” like the NAACP and so-called “civil rights” leaders keep the Black community 95 percent beholden to one political party.

Runaway Slave includes interviews with politicians, community leaders and everyday Americans; including Dr. Martin Luther King’s niece, Alveda King; economist and author Thomas Sowell; Congressman Allen West; presidential candidate Herman Cain; commentator and radio host Glenn Beck; syndicated columnist Star Parker and the late conservative activist, Andrew Breitbart.

The heroes of this movie are black conservatives who are speaking out so that all Americans can truly be “free at last.”

There will surely be many who look at this movie as a sellout. There is often strong opposition to black conservatives who speak against the status quo.

To those with the courage to see this movie there may be an awakening and opportunity for change in the black community.

Encourage your friends to see this movie. For theater and ticket information visit the Runaway Slave website.

Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch.Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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