
Why Repealing Obamacare Is Not Enough

A recent step in the right direction happened on July the 11th. The house of representatives voted for a full repeal of Obamacare, 244 yeas to 185 nays. Of course the liberal media cried foul, they thought even taking a vote on repealing Obamacare was a giant waste of taxpayer money. Bob Schieffer, of CBS’ Face the Nation, lamented how the house was wasting so much money on a repeal vote. This concern he showed is interesting, because the house has been sending legislation to the senate since the Tea Party takeover of the house in 2010. So far, there has not even been so much as a preliminary vote in committee on any of those bills, however I haven’t seen or heard any news coverage of the senate doing nothing, or wasting taxpayer money. There’s not been any lamenting or hand wringing of any sort over a do nothing senate.

While voting to repeal Obamacare is a commendable and noble thing to do, this is merely not enough. In our hyped up election season, conservatives have forgotten the additional fights that have been picked with the U.S. Constitution. We are predisposed to conversing about who’s going to be Romney’s Veep choice, or which poll has Obama and Romney in a dead heat, all the while, there are some bills that slid through Congress that should have never been voted out of committee. Some of them were slid through even with the conservative takeover of the house, which should be alarming to a great many Americans. One of the laws stretches all the way back to the months after 9/11, and was signed by a Republican President.

Chronologically, alongside Obamacare, the NDAA act, the Dodd-Frank act, and the USA Patriot act should be on the chopping block also. The NDAA act is so egregious in its powers, it is almost self-explanatory why it should be repealed. If you read conservative or libertarian news sites, you could probably name off four or five unconstitutional provisions from it, but for the sake of those who may be seeing this for the first time, I would like to point them out again. Not in the 236 year history of our country has the armed forces been allowed to apprehend, and arrest American citizens, under the NDAA act this is possible. You can also be held or interned, without charge, indefinitely, which subverts habeas corpus. You also do not have a right to a fair and speedy trial. All these constitutionally protected citizen rights are thrown out the window with this one piece of legislation. Congress, repeal it!

I want to share a quote with you concerning the Dodd-Frank Act. In a recent article written for Townhall.com in honor of the birth of our nation, Hillsdale College President, Dr. Larry Arnn said concerning freedom and how the government is now acting:

Moreover, it [Federal Government] governs increasingly without authority from the branches that are elected by the people. The new Dodd- Frank finance law creates something called a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. This agency does not get its budget from Congress. Rather, its money comes from a guaranteed percentage of the budget of the Federal Reserve, which gets its money from its operations as a bank. Congress is even specifically forbidden in the law to hold hearings into the budget of the new CPFB. And it has wide examining power over every form of consumer finance in the nation. In unfettered scope of authority, and in near perfect separation from popular control, it is different from anything before it in America.

In other words, the congress passed, and the president signed another unconstitutional act. Here’s a little quick history on the Federal Reserve, it’s a corporation with no congressional oversight and it rules our entire economy. Not only that, it was conceived “supposedly” to stop financial bubbles that hurt our economy, at least that is one way it was “sold” to the American people. (Has that worked? No.) Now, the congress has passed what amounts to 311 million miniature Federal Reserves (or Fed Reserve II I call it.). Under this act, the Federal Government has the authority to monitor your personal credit card and bank statements, all under the false pretense of protecting you, the consumer from the big bad banks and business’. Here is some irony for you, this act was “written” by Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank, both of whom had a direct role in the housing bubble that caused the current economic malaise we still suffer from. You also might remember that Obama named former Ohio Attorney General, Richard Cordray to lead this new Consumer Protection Bureau. Obama appointed him by fiat while congress was still in session, without a confirmation by the senate, which is unconstitutional. This guts the constitution’s 4th amendment. Congress, repeal it!

Now the grandaddy of all unconstitutional acts The USA Patriot Act. This act you will remember, was an absolute “necessity” shortly after September 11th. We had to find a way to stop terrorists from gaining a foothold inside our borders again. You may agree, you may not, but 9/11 could have been stopped years before it happened. All we had to do was act on information we were told publicly by Osama Bin Laden in 1999. We were attacked at the World Trade center in 1993 under Clinton. We knew already that radical Islamists wanted to strike us. If our intelligence agencies and other “alphabet soup departments” (ie. NSA, CIA, FBI, ATF) had shared info with one another, we could have stopped the terrorists. Therefore, we could have continued without a Dept. of Homeland Security, A Dept. of Transportation Safety Administration, (who will soon be at all transportation depots, ie. bus stations, and train stations). These Government Departments need dismantled. Congress, repeal it!

There is only one way out of our current situations concerning the manifold attacks on our constitution, we must go to the polls November 6th and vote for more conservative, libertarian, and limited government men and women to represent us. Men and women like Rand Paul, Allen West, Marco Rubio, Mike Lee, Jason Chaffetz, Jim Demint, Nikki Haley, Jan Brewer, Michelle Bachman and many more.

Conservatives, Libertarians, Patriots All – Remember, Remember the 6th of November.

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