Bob Beckal Drops the F-Bomb Again

Bob Beckel co-host of The Five on Fox News Channel

It wasn’t the first time, and it probably won’t be the last time, but co-host of The Five on the Fox News Channel, Bob Beckel dropped the “f-bomb” on live television, again.

During a panel discussion about Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan to reform Medicare, fellow co-host Eric Bolling hit Beckel in the arm.

Beckel immediately stopped talking, and moments later had his “lapse of common sense”.

“If you do that one more time, you’re f**king toast!” Beckel screamed at Bolling, then immediately covered his mouth when he realized what he just said.

Bolling and the rest of The Five co-hosts continued on with their point, but it was as if no one was listening. Everyone was still shocked with Beckel’s on-air foul. Unlike the first time Beckel dropped the “f-bomb” on live tv, Beckel apologized under his own power at the end of the segment, and again at the end of the show.

At the beginning of the next segment, Bolling came on air apologizing for hitting Beckal hard in the arm and instigating the situation.

Then at the end of the show, Beckel added $20 into his swear jar, then Bolling threw in $100 because he felt responsible for the whole fiasco.

Watch Beckel’s slip-up via Mediaite. **Warning: Foul Language


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Chris Enloe

I am a 16 year old Conservative based in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. I am currently a senior at North Davidson Senior High School. You can follow me on Twitter @chrisenloe.

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One Comment

  1. Here in L.A.(Lower Arkansas) Beckel is what we refer to as a Mudcat…(species of catfish)…All mouth and no brains…..

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