
Twitter Hashtag #RacistDemocrats

After becoming completely disgusted with MSNBC’s coverage of the RNC Convention, beginning with Chris Mathews assumption that all food stamp recipients are black, to their failure to cover Mia Love, or any GOP minority speaker, I took to Twitter to establish a new hashtag #RacistDemocrat, only to discover someone had beaten me to it.

With the thousands of examples of horrible epithets hurled at black conservatives from the left on social media, and the hundreds of examples of somewhat softer racism from the media and political leaders, it seemed important to have a place to post examples.

After Mia Love’s speech last night, open-minded tolerant democrats took to twitter to call her horrible names and even went so far as to edit her Wikipedia page, calling her a “house nigger.”

From Twitchy.com

Tuesday night after rising GOP star Mia Love brought down the house with her inspiring convention speech, the stomach-turning Left labeled the black conservative a “token” and an “Aunt Tom.”

Meanwhile, revoltingly racist, woman-hating Wikipedia vandals were hard at work updating her entry with disgusting slurs like “House Nigger” and “dirty, worthless whore.” The page called her a “total sell-out to the Right Wing Hate machine and the greedy bigots who control the GOP.”
Glenn Reynolds reported the defacement of Love’s Wikipedia page last night.

Here is a screen shot of the page before it was corrected:

While they claim to want a colorblind society, and discourse in a civil manner, it is becoming increasingly difficult to take anyone on the left seriously when they display this kind of bigotry and hatred.

Bruce MacIsaac

Bruce MacIsaac graduated from Computer Systems Institute with an AS Degree in Systems Analysis. He spent twenty years in the computer field, most recently as the Internet Administrator for Westco Internet. He is a published poet, professional truck driver, and blogger. His interests include politics, travel, Commercial Motor Carrier regulations, spirituality and aviation.

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