Editorial Cartoons

Branco cartoon – God and Man at the DNC

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A.F. Branco

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  1. Tony wasn’t God denied three times like they did at the DNC. I just can’t remember the story. Maybe you can help me out.

    Awesome work Tony!

  2. No, it was Saint Peter who was outside the court as Jesus was standing before Pilot. Peter was warming himself outside and over to one side were some Roman guards. A woman who was with another group waiting outside for to petition Pilot for some other issue was looking at Peter. Then she asked him, “Weren’t you one of the followers of the man called Jesus?” And Peter fearing the Roman guards would over hear her said, “No.”. A bit later she came back over to him and asked him again, “Are you sure? You look like one of the men I saw with the man Jesus.” Peter said to her, “No.” again. Then as morning was approaching a man came up to Peter and accused him of being one of Jesus’s followers. This time the Roman guards took notice and started over in Peters direction. Peter said outloud this time, “No, I know not this man of which you speak!” And just at that moment a rooster crowed near by. And just as Jesus had told Peter that before the “cock crows you will deny me three times”. Yep, sure enough it happened just as Jesus said. Peter fled the scene before he to was arrested and hid himself in shame.

  3. It’s to bad we didn’t hear a cock crow just as the vote was taken for the third time. And I never even thought about this being exactly like the story of Peter in the Bible, I was to caught up in the fact that this is just how Democrats operate in that they keep voting until the count turns out like they want it to. Then if it doesn’t they just “deem” the count was in their favor just like they wanted the ObamaCare bill to turn out. The Democrat Party is being led by Satan himself. It’s mostly all Socialist and Communists now and has no one’s wealfare at heart, nothing but their power over our lives.

  4. They have been denying God for years and years and years! Did it really take it being televised nationally for Christians to get the picture???

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