Gallows of Effigy

Mr. Phipps Explains Himself, and the Gallows of Effigy.


This has nothing to do with racism and nothing to do with the Republican Party.  This was done by one man to bring attention to his personal vendetta.

Naturally enough, as was the case with the Gabby Gifford and the Black Knight shootings, “non-racist” “post-racial” “progressive” Democrats are the first to jump on the “This is exactly what comes to my mind when Republicans talk about “reclaiming our country”, “taking our country back”, or the good old days” bandwagon.

Expose the lies of the “progressive” left!


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One Comment

  1. Mr. Phipps is a SICK, SICK man. His son was killed in 1995 and NONE of the people he has mentioned had anything to do with it! His story was sick, racist and evil when he told it the first time. Maybe this is what happened to begin with!

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