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Is This Really What America Wants?

On Wednesday U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton finally admitted al Qaeda in North Africa was behind the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, where the American ambassador and three others were murdered.

Clinton’s statements further muddied the administration’s fumbled explanations about exactly what happened on Sept. 11.  For purely partisan political reasons, Barack Obama’s administration has denied terrorist involvement in the Benghazi attack.

To ever admit that the United States is still involved in fighting a war against al Qaeda flies in the face of Obama’s re-election campaign strategy of showcasing the killing Osama bin Laden and the debilitation of Al Qaeda.


Remember Vice President Joe Biden shouting from the Democratic National Convention stage: “Osama bin Laden is dead and GM is alive”?

To hear “progressive” politicians and their obedient sock puppets in the “progressive” Party Pravda tell it, to put two and two together and reason that al Qaeda had access to technology which allowed them to watch the DNC convention, hear what was said and plot a 9/11 revenge is angry, bigoted, conspiratorial racist hate speech from violent right wing extremists who cannot stand having a black man in the Oval Office.

It could not possibly have anything to do with the fact that his domestic and foreign policies can be defined as “man caused disasters”.

While taking care of extremely important, top priority re-election business on a daytime television talk show, Obama cautioned the ladies that describing the incident was impossible due to an ongoing FBI investigation.  However, more than two weeks after the fact, FBI agents are still not in Benghazi, much less at the crime scene conducting an investigation.


The more America learns about the 9/11 terrorist attack on the Benghazi consulate, the more it looks like a complete security failure and a calculated government cover-up.

This foreign policy sleight of hand deceit matches the consistent pattern of “evolving” economic news at home.

The latest economic reports reveal that second quarter GDP growth was revised down from 1.7 percent to 1.25 percent.  New orders for U.S. manufactured durable goods fell in August by the most in 3-1/2 years, the biggest drop since January 2009.  This clearly indicates a sharp slowdown in factory activity.

Fear that Washington will fail to reach an agreement and avoid the “fiscal cliff” has reduced businesses incentive to boost production.


From Benghazi to an Ohio manufacturing facility, the strategy and tactics are always the same.  Make the news sound better that it is then enlist your multiple press secretaries within the “mainstream media” to put that “ news” on the front page of the paper, make it a magazine cover story, or put it on as breaking news television.

When far fewer people are paying attention, have those same media minions disclose the truth in a far less prominent place and in a far less spectacular manner.

Welcome to Obama’s America.  Is this really what America wants?


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One Comment

  1. And, of course nary a soul has even whispered the word ‘retaliation’. I honest believe “if’ this feckless leader had helped Iran’s brave green effort, we wouldn’t be in such deep ‘stuff.” I do realize that ‘arm-chair quarterbacking’ is easier than making the actual decisions…but caca de torro is just that….I’m couinting on my fellow Americans that can’t be bought with free phones & lunches to evict this vermin in Nov.

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