
UPDATE: Clinton assembles legal defense team

ABC News reports on 9/20/12 that Clinton was unaware of al Qaeda link to attack

After weeks of administration officials blaming an anti-Islamic YouTube video for the attacks on the US consulate in Benghazi, new documents obtained by multiple news outlets now prove beyond doubt that Secretary Hillary Clinton was aware of the situation within 2 short hours of the onset of weapons fire on the consulate.

Shortly after 4:00PM on September 11, 2012, emails from the consulate detailing the extreme nature of the attack were sent to some 200+ intelligence, State Department and White House officials, including the Situation Room. By 6:07PM, the email communications clearly indicated that Al Qaeda-linked Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack.

Email addresses indicate that without doubt that @state.gov (State Department) and @nss.EOP.gov (Executive Office of the President) received the communications. Also included in the “send to” line are the FBI, the Director of National Intelligence and a person at the Defense Department.

New reports out this morning show that Secretary of State Clinton assembled a legal team to be prepared for any fallout with the Obama administration that would attempt to place blame on the Secretary.

In the weeks following the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Secretary Clinton and others in the administration pushed the narrative that a YouTube video prompted riots that got out of control for the cause of the attack. Clinton and President Obama stood side by side when addressing the nation condemning the video and blaming an American citizen for the deaths of the ambassador, 2 US marines and another American. The president spoke to the UN, appeared on The View and David Letterman shows and gave campaign speeches that continued to push that narrative for weeks after the attack. On September 28, 2012, Press Secretary Jay Carney finally told media that there was “no doubt that [the attack] was an act of terror.”

To read more about the latest Benghazi bombshell click here.

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  1. So ole Hillary got a legal defense team??? Better take ole Bill’s advise and resign. We are coming to take you away, to the funny farm, where life is gay all day long. You are a co-conspirator Hillary. You and obama murdered Stevens and three others. Obama’s plan cracked and you are caught in the middle. Resign and tell the American people the truth. Besides, we know that obama is going to use American tax dollars to pay off your campaign debt if you stick with him, but what is honor worth Hillary? Did you sell your soul to the devil (obama)?

  2. As much as I dislike Hillary, I despise and hold in the greatest comtempt her boss, and would gladly be willing to see her granted immunity from prosecution (provided she and Bill disappear from public life) if she was willing to testify against the fraud occupying our White House! Can’t wait for Nov 7 to start a new era in re-establishing my country’s greatness!

  3. “Murder In Benghazi” is more than a chilling mystery. The only absolute is that the pages are filled with verified lies & corruption, that, in the most gentle of terms, is deliberate cover up coated in caca de toro by this nefarious administration. There is no ignorance here, just their lack of ‘getting the story straight”
    The final chapter, if written, will be done by FOX or thinking Americans on Internet site.

    Nov 6th is National “TAKE A NEIGHBOR TO VOTE” day

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