
Desperate Times Call for… Children? New Pro-Obama Ad

UPDATE 10/31/12: The song has been changed from public to private viewing. Still available for like-minded but not for the rest of us. But, you can read the lyrics and know this is what some believe.

Just in time for Election Day, one Obama PAC is promoting a frightening new ad about the state of our country.  Using fear and children this ad is meant to remind voters that only the Democrats know the true path for a better future. What better way to reach the hearts of voters than through sad little voices of children especially filmed in heart wrenching black and white?

From the song, “Find a park that is still open
And take a breath of poison air”

From Carla Marinucci’s blog at the San Francisco Chronicle: The award-winning ad team that brought you “Got Milk?” and some of America’s most iconic ads have created a touching, memorable — and, yes, slightly terrifying — new spot that stars America’s children. Just in time for Election Day, it’s selling a striking message — about the country’s future.

Another verse, “The Earth is cracked
Big Bird is sacked
And the atmosphere is frying”

The Blaze: The ad is the brainchild of Jeff Goodby and Rich Silverstein, of the San Francisco-based Goodby Silverstein & Partners, for their Future Children Project. The Future Children Project states on its website, “Re-electing President Obama is a momentous decision that will require every single voter. What would the children of the future say if we let them down this November?”

No one can argue that this is a major propaganda ad. Little children reminding their parents that if they don’t vote for Obama again it will be their fault that the world is all messed up.

 And yes, if you don’t vote right, “You did your best
You failed the test

Mom and Dad
We’re blaming you!”

While unsaid, it’s obvious that the mean old Republicans are destroying the earth through its love of big business; intolerant and willing to let people die; unwilling to spend money for roads and schools…  Yes, in short, the GOP is inflexible and wants the children to suffer…  It’s the Democratic Party platform put to music.

You can watch the song; the lyrics are provided below just for fun.

The Future Children Project from FutureChildrenProject on Vimeo.

Imagine an America
Where strip mines are fun and free
Where gays can be fixed
And sick people just die
And oil fills the sea

We don’t have to pay for freeways!
Our schools are good enough
Give us endless wars
On foreign shores
And lots of Chinese stuff

We’re the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And we’re kinda blaming you

We haven’t killed all the polar bears
But it’s not for lack of trying
The Earth is cracked
Big Bird is sacked
And the atmosphere is frying

Congress went home early
They did their best we know
You can’t cut spending
With elections pending
Unless it’s welfare dough

We’re the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And we’re kinda blaming you

Find a park that is still open
And take a breath of poison air
They foreclosed your place
To build a weapon in space
But you can write off your au pair

It’s a little awkward to tell you
But you left us holding the bag
When we look around
The place is all dumbed down
And the long term’s kind of a drag

We’re the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And yeah, we’re blaming you

You did your best
You failed the test

Mom and Dad
We’re blaming you!

Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch.Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at https://ramblinroseaz.wordpress.com/ and follow along.

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  1. Hi Teresa;Your column shows that Great Minds Think Alike as I too have a blog on this I just put out there. Actualy Obamacare is closer to letting people die as it does have the so called death panels in it that tells who gets what treatment and the cut off age is 70 years old then they just give you comfort care.I think it’s utterly despicable to use innocent kids in an ad like this promoting evil.

    1. Jim,
      Thanks for stopping by. I saw you also had some thoughts on this same topic but found it interesting the different tact you used. Just goes to show that we can all write about the same subject and each one’s different perspective makes it so that all the articles are interesting.
      I wrote today a little bit about the Obamacare costs. I worry for my parents who are in that age group.

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