How Far Will the Left Go? Pretty Darn Far.

So, this last week we’ve seen a young adult talking about her ‘first time’, an ad filled with sexual innuendo and references; followed by younger children with sad little faces and drawn mouths singing wanly about the wanton destruction of the country due to their parents’ foolish votes for republicans and now this: has teamed up with Michael Moore to produce a new pro Obama advertisement. Filmed in a supposed ‘nursing home’ the ad features scripted octo- and nonagenarians who tell us just what they’re going to do if Mitt Romney ‘steals’ the election. The commercial is vile and foul mouthed, not representative of the seniors most of us know and respect as the Greatest Generation.

Can this election get any further in the gutter? I don’t think so.
NOTE: This is the PG version. The ad is being promoted without the bleeps.

UPDATE: It has been pointed out that these are actors, probably paid, probably in heavy make up and probably following a script. That could surely be so. But it still gives me the heebie jeebies. tw

We cannot afford to be a silent majority.

VOTE November 6 to take back civility.

Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch.Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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One Comment

  1. I know if you’re drowning any life raft is good. But then I’m not drowning, nor am I desperate. I can still recognize those who are. So, listen up all you libs…I’ll share my life boat with you & let you VOTE REPUBLICAN & enjoy my freedoms given me by the blood of many and my United States Constitution. It may not be perfect, but one heck of alot better than one soaked in socialism. (oh, vocabulary & grammer lessons are also free)

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