The last week has brought some incredible news to light about the terrorist attack in Benghazi, showed us that many of the battleground polls being cited are weighted wrong, saw Mitt Romney’s momentum accelerate and taught us that voting for the President is like sex.. or something.
The murder of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya has taken a startling turn ever since the Obama administration made the incorrect claim that their deaths were at the hands of protesters angry about a YouTube video.
It has since been shown that there was no protest and that terrorists tied to Al-Qaeda executed a well-planned attack, one that may have been intended to take the ambassador prisoner to use as a bargaining chip in negotiations with the White House.
Shortly after the attack, it was reported that former President Bill Clinton told Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that she should resign. As Secretary Clinton has already stated that she won’t be staying long into President Obama’s second term if he wins re-election, perhaps she’s just riding it out. Of course, we also learned that she’s doing so with the help of a new legal defense team – just in case any of the Benghazi fall-out drops on her.
And then yesterday, Lt. Col Schaffer told Fox News that he had sources telling him that the President was watching the Benghazi attack as it happened. So exactly where did the idea of a protest and YouTube video come from? Why didn’t the President authorize back-up for the team trying to defend the consulate staff and ambassador when they asked three times?
Gallup released a poll this week that demonstrated most election polling is using incorrect weightings. In the 2008 election, voters went with democrats 12% more than republicans, or D+12. In the new Gallup poll, it suggests that likely voters are going Republican by a 4% margin (R+4), but pollsters are using weightings of D+3 to D+7 in many states. These mis-weighted polls show mis-leading figures in key states. As’s Ed Morrisey put it, the models being used in states like Virginia (D+4) are “rather laughable.”
Ever since the first Presidential debate showed that Mitt Romney is not the monster Obama has portrayed him to be, Romney started surging in key polls and fund raising.
That momentum has accelerated with Romney raising $21 million more than Obama in the first half of October leaving the Obama campaign so desperate to raise cash they went to Bank of America for a $15 million loan.
In the Presidential debates and on the campaign trail, Obama and company mentioned several times that sequestration (aka “the fiscal cliff”) came from congress, not his administration. In fact, the White House pushed sequestration on Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. John Boehner even though neither wanted it.
Left-leaning news outlets, the Obama campaign and liberal blogs have been attempting to paint Mitt Romney’s citing of a article as an attempt to scare Ohio voters. Although the article clearly shows that company officials had been considering moving some or all Jeep production to China, the liberal slant is that Romney lied.
The Obama campaign elicited the help of actress, writer, director Lena Dunham to be featured in an advertisement for the President’s re-election bid. In poor taste, Dunham compares voting for Obama for the first time to having sex for the first time.
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