In The News

VP Joe Biden Caught Embellishing His Role, Again

Here’s another story that should be on the “front lines” in the “Main Stream News”.  Unfortunately, many Americans will never learn of this story, which has been buried by ABC.  Jake Tapper, one of the few “real” journalists left attempting to dig into stories that have teeth, filed this story a few hours ago.  Apparently, VP Joe Biden has been caught embellishing his role in the 1983 Social Security reforms.  According to Biden, he was one of 8 key players who hunkered down in a room, coming to a bipartisan agreement which lead to the reform in 1983.  During the VP debate, Biden stated:

“Look, I was there when we did that with Social Security in 1983.  I was one of eight people sitting in the room that included Tip O’Neill negotiating with President Reagan.  We all got together and everybody said, as long as everybody’s in the deal, everybody’s in the deal, and everybody is making some sacrifice, we can find a way.”

Then, on Meet the Press on April 29,2007, then Senator Biden stated he was:

 “one of five people — I was the junior guy — in the meeting with Bob Dole and George Mitchell when we put Social Security on the right path for 60 years.”

Problematic, is the historical record.  Jovial Joe, simply was not one of the “key players” , nor was he is any “room” for any meeting about this reform.   In fact, in Biden’s own memoir “Promises to Keep”, makes no reference to Biden being a part of any such Social Security reform.  Something that so blatantly demonstrates the Vice Presidents misleading quotes in front of 60 million Americans during the VP Debate,  should be at least put ahead of what the “Main Stream Media” is leading with, “women in binders“.    Read the full article here on VP Joe Biden’s “misstatements”.

Rebecca Diserio

About Rebeca Diserio–After the tragic death of her first husband, LA County Deputy Sheriff Stephen Blair (Gang Unit, Compton, CA), in the line of duty, she became a Conservative Writer, Activist, and Speaker. She worked on Star Parker’s campaign, co-managing a district office. Currently, she is the CEO & Executive Producer of FIDELIS RADIO NETWORK, and host of the REBECCA DISERO show. She resides with her 3 sons, 3 dogs and 3 cats.

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  1. Jon, I actually think you’re on to something this time!! I understand that on his last trip he was upset with the quality of bisque & threated not to go back……curious? are you always so negative & critical?

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