Dayton, DFL & Dangerous Environmental Policy

Less than a month after the Democrat Farm-Labor party regained control of the Minnesota House and Senate, far left governor Mark Dayton and several of his administration’s top appointees started a tour of the state pushing an economically dangerous agenda.

In November of 2011, Governor Dayton signed an executive order establishing the MN Environmental Congress. Under the new law, the state’s Environmental Quality Board is required to host an annual Environmental Congress which consists of various state agencies including the DNR (Department of Natural Resources), environmental policy “experts” (as determined by the governor’s administration), local business and government leaders, and citizen activists. Masked as public policy forums encouraging dialogue and input from Minnesota residents, the MEC has issued an environmental Report Card and will have held 6 public events before the end of the year to discuss it. Three of these events took place in November and Look True North contributor John Rouleau writes of his account.

Dayton and the MN DFL have long been advocates of wasteful energy subsidies for wind, solar and other forms of renewable energy, and as of late there have been whispers at the Capitol of new tax proposals on coal, nuclear and gas usage. Such subsidies have failed miserably with many “green” companies going bankrupt after taking taxpayer money. Americans For Prosperity, a free market advocacy group, lists several examples on their website. With the DFL control of both House and Senate, and with a radical leftwing governor, Minnesotans will have little ability to stop the job-killing agenda masked as “clean energy” policy changes.

Not surprisingly, Rouleau explains the forum he attended focused on how the state government and its agencies could obtain and control more land, dissuade the use of fossil fuels, use the education system to indoctrinate the green agenda into our children and implement a carbon tax.

To make your voice heard at one of the upcoming forums, visit the MEC website. The remaining 3 events will be held in Worthington on December 10th, St. Cloud on December 12th and in Moorhead on December 14th. Take a video camera and take notes. Share your experiences with local newspapers. If you are unable to attend a public forum, leave your comments on the MEC Comments page. Comments will be taken until January 15, 2013.

NOTE: John Rouleau’s post at Look True North states that Governor Dayton’s Executive Order 11-32 was signed into law in November 2012. The governor actually signed the order in November 2011. See here.

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