Ellison ‘Stands With’ Violent Protesters

Hours after a union mob violently attacked a pro-right-to-work group in Lansing, MI, Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison posted to his Facebook page and Twitter feed that he is “proud to stand with working people in Michigan to oppose “Right To Work For Less” legislation.

Ellison shared the following photo on his Facebook page courtesy of We Are Michigan, a coalition of unions and progressive groups.

Surely Rep. Ellison was aware of the violence and turmoil that took place today that included vandalism, mob behavior and a comedian being punched in the face. Certainly he had heard about the Michigan State Rep. Doug Geiss made calling for “blood” over the pending legislation. Does the congressman “stand” behind these atrocities?

Rep. Ellison did not return attempts for comment.
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Who is Rep Keith Ellison? Here’s a start: The Company You Keep
Ellison’s Town Hall #Fail
Ellison’s 2009 Arrest

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