Eight down and 42 to go

William Way, Jr.

Eight State Consolidated Vote Tally
(Iowa, NH, SC, FL, NV, CO, Minnesota, Missouri)

Candidate Total in 8 States Total Percent
Buddy Roemer 967 0.03%
Christopher Hill 108 0.00%
Fred Karger 345 0.01%
Gary Johnson 1,588 0.05%
Herman Cain 12,352 0.41%
Jeff Lawman 119 0.00%
Jon Huntsman 50,939 1.68%
Keith Drummond 162 0.01%
Kevin Rubash 250 0.01%
Michael Meehan 364 0.01%
Michele Bachmann 12,539 0.41%
Mitt Romney 1,181,857 38.87%
Newt Gingrich 837,142 27.53%

No preference 10,075 0.33%
Other 1,354 0.04%
Rick Perry 26,086 0.86%
Rick Santorum 568,499 18.70%
Ron Paul 335,922 11.05%

Total 3,040,668 100.00%

Eight State Consolidated Vote Tally
(Iowa, NH, SC, FL, NV, CO, Minnesota, Missouri)
Only for the remaining four candidates (Gingrich, Paul, Santorum, Romey).

Mitt Romney 1,181,857 40.43%

Newt Gingrich 837,142 28.64%

Rick Santorum 568,499 19.45%
Ron Paul 335,922 11.49%
Total 2,923,420 100.00%

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