
Time Person of the Year – and the winner is….

Barack Obama, of course. That could be considered a minor improvement over romanticizing the stinking, rude, and destructive masses otherwise known as the Occupy Protesters last year. And in minor defense of the Time folks, at least this administration’s “Slut-in-Chief”, Sandra Fluke, didn’t make the short list.

TRF_Mr_Hyde (CC)
TRF_Mr_Hyde (CC)

Of course there were arguably better choices on the table at the end – most notably, Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani girl that was shot in the head by the Taliban for the terrible crime of suggesting that Muslim women should enjoy the benefits of education. At least 87% of those that bothered to chime in on the voting thought she deserved the recognition. I’d say that’s an indication that there is some degree of hope for humanity in the U.S., but I just have to watch a tag search on Twitter for #p2 for five minutes to realize the truth – this country is populated with liberal sheeple that simply can’t imagine living a life where they are actually responsible for anything.

Why this particular “honor” has remained even remotely close to relevant for all these years speaks volumes about the nature of our populace as well. Now that Barack Obama has gotten the nod twice for this, I think it’s fair to say that he is free game for being compared with previous recipients. So, if the Obama zombies want to celebrate this tiny accomplishment with some sort of twisted orgy, I say have at it! It’s not my problem if you think its a “good” thing to be directly compared with say Adolf Hitler – the Person of the Year in 1938.

Liz Harrison (twitter: @GoldwaterGal)

Liz is a mostly-retired veteran political campaign worker, wife, mom, opinionated gal, fiscal conservative, anti-social-conservative, atheist, and foreign affairs/Mid-East politics junkie.

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