Dear Left, If Sarah is Irrelevant Why ALL the Coverage?

It’s been more than four years since the Left began demonizing Sarah Palin, criticizing everything from her hair to her speech patterns. After losing the election we were told by the Main Stream Media that ordinary citizen Sarah was: no longer an important part of the Tea Party, not accepted by the Republican Party; that she was not relevant.
And yet, the Left, particularly the biased media, keep Mrs. Palin in the news. They love to headline the Palin family and criticize every word she says.
It makes no sense. If Sarah Palin is really irrelevant why do they keep talking about her? Why, today, is the Huffington Post and other Leftist news sites top story the amount of money per spoken word that Palin made as a contributor to FOX News?
HuffPo: Sarah Palin’s time at Fox News is over, and so is her $1 million-per-year salary. Now, a university study has chronicled just exactly how much the former vice presidential candidate was making when she did each interview on the network.
The University of Minnesota’s Eric Ostermeier tallied up all of the words Palin uttered during her three years on Fox News, and divided them by the $3 million she racked up over that time. His conclusion:
A Smart Politics review of the more than 150 FOX broadcasts in which Sarah Palin appeared as a paid commentator from 2010 through 2012 finds that she spoke 189,221 words on air during this span, for an average pay rate of $15.85 per word.
Has any other irrelevant news analyst had his words counted and attached a dollar per word figure? Has any other irrelevant celebrity had her slang words counted? Because when something is irrelevant it is no longer of interest to others. When someone is irrelevant after using up that 15 minutes of fame and returning to general anonymity.
Or, in the eyes of the media, is Sarah Palin still relevant?
That’s amazing- I think they’re just looking for an easy target Republican to criticize, and that’s the best they can do!
Most of these critics talk just because they have a mouth…Rebecca also has a point…& I suspect that ‘envy’ plays a role and that there are more “Sarah Wannabes” running lose than first believed.