In The News

Do You Smell a Rat?

The Environmental Protection Agency announced it will ban the sale of D-Con mouse and rat poisons in 30 days if Reckitt Benckiser Group, the maker of the products, fail to request a hearing before an EPA judge.

D-Con traps and poisons help keep disease carrying rodents out of millions of homes and businesses throughout the United States and beyond. Though no known human deaths have been recorded by the EPA, an agency spokesperson told Bloomberg Businessweek the ban will “prevent completely avoidable risks to children.”

This latest move by the EPA to ban Reckitt Benckiser products is just one in a long list of actions taken against the UK based business.

Reckitt Benckiser has not published a statement and did not respond to Businessweek’s request for comment. The company also produces popular products by Calgon, Clearasil, Delsym and French’s mustard.

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  1. Could this be because the liberals think of themselves as the champions of the low life characters of the nation. And rats are about as low as you can get, so they must be protected. With a little more use of D-Con it might possible to wipe out the whole liberal/progressive movement. Maybe we should send our unused D-Con to Washington DC and see what happens.

  2. This administration and every department is pitiful, woefully incompetent and lacking in good old fashioned common sense. The disease stopped and human lives saved by using DCon far outweighs the govt concern.

    Are the Democrats so accustomed to saving the two legged “rats” among their ranks they now feel obligated to now include the four legged variety?

  3. With the constant chant “for the children” one might think there are no ‘grownups’ left. Generally this is a weak attempt to ‘justify’ whatever is being promote, but, even I, am scratching my head & judging by actions, it might be true.

    2014 will leave 2 open seats & 18 incumbents in the Senate and though I don’t have the count, but the House also has enough up for grabs that a shift in the majority is possible. NOW is the time we need to get our boots on the ground & find “our” candidates & work, work, work to get them elected. If your own district isn’t involved, offer you talents across district or even State line. Most of us are competent participants here & those same talents can be used by candidates, of course cash donations are always welcome, but sometime reaching out & touching is even better. Figure our what characterics are a must have & do your own ‘vetting’. This is how Texas got Ted Cruz….

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