Inaugural lunch shows glaring nutrition hypocrisy

Most freedom-loving Americans are tired of the relentless attack on our choice in food. Mayors across the nation are restricting the availability of certain items deemed unhealthy and Michelle Obama has taken a permanent position atop a healthy living soapbox.
For all their criticism of fatty foods and the mindless rubes who consume them, Barack Obama’s second inaugural luncheon was a display of dietary excess.
The surf and turf meal began with lobster and creamy chowder sauce, included grilled bison with plenty of gut-busting sides, and ended with apple pie a la mode.
Not including alcoholic beverages, the meal tips the scale at more than 3,000 calories – more than the average individual should eat in a day and a half!
The artery-clogging feast included nearly 150 grams of fat, of which about half was saturated, and almost 10,000 milligrams of sodium.
This is a perfect example of the type of irresponsible eating from which the nannies on the left say they want to protect us.
As with Obamacare, forced on the public while politicians keep their preferred coverage, this anecdote simply proves that government rules don’t apply to those making them.
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B. Christopher Agee

B. Christopher Agee is an award-winning journalist and conservative columnist. He established The Informed Conservative and late 2011 and currently reaches an audience of millions each month through publication on several major websites. He lives in the Fort Worth, Texas, area with his wife.

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