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Do Not Let Them Intimidate You.

The mood was somber on the Morning Joe set at MSNBC this morning. Their high hopes for this administration have been dashed leaving the crew shaking their heads in sadness. The growing scandals, followed by attempted cover-ups, lies and bullying by the Obama administration were more than even they could justify. The few attempts to explain away the actions of the DOJ, IRS, HHS, State Department and the White House were winced at by others on the set.

Though not surprising to many on the outside, this fall from grace by the administration, is revealing what many said but was previously scoffed at by the Mainstream Media; that the emperor has no clothes and if you mention it they will use strong arm methods to squelch your speech.

The growing list of intimidation tactics.

NBC’s investigative reporter Lisa Myers admits what few on the left want to believe or admit, that this administration has a history of intimidating those who speak against or even question their policies including reporters. The thinned skin Team Obama are intolerant of those who might distract from their story and the approved narrative.

Unfortunately, many in the general public who depend on their thirty minute nightly news program to inform, will remain woefully in the dark about these growing scandals. Now, more than ever, it’s time for those who more closely follow current events to spread the word, to share information. While news organizations, like the AP, may now finally begin speaking more loudly in light of their recent run in with Holder’s DOJ, others will continue to shrink from publicizing the truth in fear of negative reprisal. As individuals we must not let the intimidation tactics of this administration keep the public in the dark. If your friends haven’t heard about these atrocities, the strong arm tactics, the out and out lies perpetrated by this administration it’s time  to speak up. These non-partisan issues should outrage every American.

Talk to people.Tea Party

Remind them why it is important for reporters to ferret out the truth and keep government officials honest. Let them know that while singling out one group of people who have ideas contrary to the government might seem good today, tomorrow the tables may turn and your group’s ideals may become subject to special government scrutiny. Tell them that while government officials, just like all of us, can make mistakes like in the Benghazi situation, we must take responsibility for our errors and not compound the mistakes by telling lies or blaming others. Inform them of the Chicago style politics used to force acceptance, and promotion, of the very divisive Obamacare.

Even if you are worried about being selected for unwanted attention by the government, speak gadsden flagup. Do it for your kids and for our future.

If you want to fly a Gadsden flag – Fly it. If you want to meet with fiscal conservatives at a “Lower Taxes” meeting – Do it. If a Tea Party rally inspires you to write about the Constitution -Write. Be brave.

The price of freedom is constant vigilance.

Do not let them intimidate you.


Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch.Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at https://ramblinroseaz.wordpress.com/ and follow along.

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