Parental Permission

age 15Last week the FDA said that 15 year olds can now purchase an abortificient type birth control over the counter. Plan B, as it’s called, is designed to be used within 72 hours of unprotected sex.  Through use of a ‘higher hormonal concentration’ it is meant to prevent implantation of an embryo and keep pregnancy from occurring.

A pharmacist, who does not have the medical history of the patient, will be the one handing over this medication. Will the child take it as prescribed? Or will she, as children often do, feel that ‘it two pills are good, six will be better? Can she just walk over to another pharmacy and get more of this medication? plan b

With all medicine there is a risk of side effects.  Who will this young girl talk to if she develops a reaction? Not her health care provider, who will be unaware of the purchase.

Difficulty breathing? Abdominal pain? These aren’t just simple reactions. What happens to the young girl who takes this medicine and then develops a life threatening problem? When, if ever, will her parents be informed of what has happened? Will the parents have to wait until reading the autopsy report of their child who died from complications of this hormone?

The Left believe that kids have the right to make the grown up decision to take this medication without knowledge of or intervention by the parents. Setting aside moral arguments for or against the Plan B drug availability let’s look at what other things a 15 year old can’t do without parental permission. For example:

Can a sophomore in high school have her picture posted in the newspaper or yearbook without parental permission?

Can a junior in high school choose to participate in extracurricular activities at school, particularly sports, without parental permission?

Can a student under 18 go on a field trip, watch an ‘R-rated’ movie in school, or stay out beyond the city curfew without an okay from an adult guardian?

If a child it not allowed to take a Tylenol or use an asthma inhaler in school without parental permission, why is she allowed to buy medication with potentially dangerous side effects with only a simple consult by a pharmacy staff member, who does not know her medical history?

If a child can’t have her teeth cleaned by the dentist without parental permission, have an x-ray or receive an immunization shouldn’t the parents be involved in such other critical decisions?

As schools request the ability to hand out condoms to younger and younger children will they soon be asking to supply them with hormonal contraceptives?

Why are parents allowing themselves to be removed from the parenting process? These children, our children, do not belong to the government. Instead of being pushed out, parents need to parent.  Instead of sticking our heads in the sand and letting someone else make decisions, parents need to know what the children are doing and especially what medications they are taking.


Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch.Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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One Comment

  1. I don’t know why I my mouth dropped in total disbelief when I heard this. The day of family & social values are vanishing by the day. People have become focused on protecting our children from (guns) but not from this. I’ve heard the argument that this ‘prevents’ abortions.. Where have all the Mothers & Fathers gone? Even if a pharmacist can hand them out with instructions a girl can go from one drug store to the next. There is NOTHING MORAL OR INTELLIGENT ABOUT THIS!!!

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