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What Difference Does it Make, As Long As We Don’t Insult Islam!

Behead Those who Insult Islam 



Does it matter that four American men were brutally murdered by Islamists in Libya? Does it matter that two Islamists blew up a Boston street during April’s Boston Marathon? Does it matter Fort Hood, Texas was shot up by a Muslim screaming Allah Akbar as he murdered and maimed U.S. soldiers? How about those Islamic honor slaughters (Honor Killings) taking place around the United States? Should you take note or ignore them? After all, its Islamic custom to execute Muslims who reject Islam, date outside Islam, or become American and Western in thought and dress. Why should that make any difference in the way people view Islam? It’s a peaceful religion right?

I suppose Islam could be defined as peaceful since one is at peace after the knife-wielding lunatic takes one’s head.

If we want to get technical, we might even define the hacking and beheading of a British soldier by two Islamists in London this past week, as putting that innocent infidel at peace, right? 

We could even claim the Islamic Tsarneav brothers gave Boston Marathon runners and spectators a “peaceful” tribute.

Boston  Boxton bombing

To the utterly offended, I’m not joking. Islam massacres non-Muslims—as well as forced marriages of girl children, torturing and murdering adult Muslim women and gay Muslims all over the Middle East and Europe—on a daily basis. But biased, pro-Islam left-wing progressives in D.C. and the media defend these brutal actions by demanding tolerance to Islam.

Never offend Islam’s civil liberties and its human rights.


Islamic Hanging of Gay Muslim Men in Middle East

Maimed Muslim Woman

Tortured Muslim Woman Who tried to Leave Islam

Texas Honor Murder Victims

Texas Teen Sisters Honor Murdered by Father and Brother for Dating Outside Islamic Religion

What human rights!

Islam violates the civil and human rights of all who refuse to convert to Islam. Islam commands the execution of Muslims who flee Islam’s violent, political movement of rape, terror, torture–and if one is lucky enough after one has been brutally tortured in the most heinous fashion– death.

Non-Muslims are brainwashed by “Group Think” media progressives and elitists demanding all ignore historical facts and pull a Hillary Clinton by asking “what difference does it make,” as long as we don’t insult Islam?

Here’s an example: The Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties has a training manual for the Department of Homeland Security and National Counter terrorism Center (as well as other government agencies and workplaces the Obama Administration and Janet Napolitano demand be followed) used to monitor outspoken conservatives and government employees.

Countering Violent Extremism Training (CVET) states:  

Don’t use programs that venture to deep into the weeds of religious doctrine and history…Don’t use training with political agenda. This is not the time to persuade audiences …on the views about Israel/Palestinian conflict, reformation within Islam, or the proper role of Islam in majority Muslim nations…Don’t use trainers who answer primarily interest groups. For example, trainers who are self-professed ‘Muslim reformers’ may further an interest group instead of delivering generally accepted unbiased information.


In other words, don’t inform DHS employees of Islam’s violent history. Ignore Mohammad’s bloodthirsty, forced conversion by-way-of-the sword. Don’t expose his slaughtering, raping, pillaging and plundering of European churches. And certainly don’t uncover how Mohammad conquered the Middle East and Holy Land: By massacring Christians and Jews. It’s best we ignore truths and turn historical facts against Christian Crusaders, and Christians and Jews in general. Make Christians and Jews the bad guys and Islam the victim.

The progressive “Group Think”  handbook further demands DHS never discuss “war stories” or the “psychological indicators of terrorism.”

I would think “psychological indicators” would be of utmost importance, considering the “Allah Akbar” screaming Islamic Major Nidal Hasan, also a psychologist, taught Islamic soldiers at Fort Hood how to think and act against non-Muslims—wage war, jihad. Hasan’s Islamic conditioning prior to massacring 13 soldiers and wounding 26 at Fort Hood were deep “indicators” he was going to attack Fort Hood…with “workplace violence.”

But hey, what difference does it make?

Apparently none to DHS:

Don’t use training that equates radical thought, religious expression, freedom to protest, or other constitutionally-protected activity, including disliking the U.S. government without being violent…


This is how the U.S. government proceeds to counter terrorism:  Ignore Koran demands for violence, avoid Sharia Law, because “Trainers who equate the desire for Sharia law with criminal activity violate basic tenets of the First Amendment.”

Heaven forbid we correlate Islam’s desire to exterminate the non-Muslim portion of the human race with Islam’s Koranic demands to exterminate the non-Muslim segment of the human race.

Whatever you do, don’t expose  what author Daniel Greenfield has the courage to warn:

Every believer in Islam is potentially a sleeper, ready to undergo what the experts call “radicalization”. But radicalization is largely a misnomer. The proper term is religiosity… Every believer in Islam is a potential terrorist. Islam is the ultimate sleeper cell. Terrorism is coded into the ideological DNA of a religion built on war.

Instead, CVET handbook insists the U.S. government forbid counter terrorism agents inside knowledge of Islam’s thinking and plans.

That should keep the homeland safe from another Islamic attack.

Look how safe denying Islam entrance into the UK and tolerating Islam kept Great Britain and a slaughtered soldier.

UK Islam Violence     UK Soldier

A 20 minute hacking and beheading of a British soldier by Islamic immigrants to Great Britain and their repugnant reasons to the press informs us of the difference Islam is making in the West:

We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you until you leave us alone. Your people will never be safe. The only reason we have done this is because Muslims are dying by British soldiers every day. We must fight them as they fight us. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I apologise that women had to witness this today but in our lands our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your government, they don’t care about you. Do you think David Cameron is going to get caught in the street when we start busting our guns? Do you think your politicians are going to die? No, it’s going to be the average guy like you, and your children. So get rid of them. Tell them to bring our troops back so we, so you can all live in peace.


That horror, as well as the never-look-at-Islam reaction via media “Group Think,” and Obama’s refusal to call the barbaric slaughter Islam, is theoretically nothing more than “Hey, it’s vindication-by-justification of Islam.” This is the difference being made: Brainwashing non-Muslims into compliance.

Here’s some subtle, well-mannered toleration in the face of jihad: The Conservative MP Col. Patrick Mercer told Great Britain “All the signs indicated this is a terrorist attack. If that is the case it’s a very carefully thought-through thing. It’s obviously carefully planned.”

“If that is the case!” What kind of “carefully thought-through” sign does the MP need to declare Islam’s violence butchery?

The terrorist admitted the attack is Islamic!

Prime Minister Cameron delicately stated: “Of course we need to be careful about similar attacks happening in the future…Police are urgently seeking the full facts about this case but there are strong indications it is a terrorist incident.”

Good grief! Can we possibly find another way to apologize without giving the UK the full Neville Chamberlain!

No doubt Obama will discover a way to deem this Islamic carnage as a multicultural street altercation.

The only way to be “careful” is deny immigration status to Islam !

The UK slaughter is terrorism, Boston was an act of Islamic jihad, let’s identify this brutality as Islam and stop it with the “Downton Abbey” tea-time manners!

How about admitting Islam demands submission and war. The beheading and Boston Bombings were done by Islam, Muslims, not the Vienna Choir Boys.

Islam is terror, not peace…unless one is dead.

If leaders and the media admitted the truth, Islam would no longer be welcomed into the West. But then what would we all do without a good conquering invasion by everything that stands against liberty, freedom, and life?

Thank heavens we have civil liberties handbooks to steer us away from wisdom and sense.

But who needs common sense when you don’t have a head?

After all, what difference does it make as long as infidels cater to violence, bow down to extremism that is Islam and allow Islam to invade and conquer our culture, Constitution, and violate our Bill of Rights?

Islam Takes America's Bill of Rights

Never mind Islam uses the Constitution’s Bill of Rights and First Amendment against America as a weapon to incur violence against humanity, Americans are to shut up and take the jihad against us with an apology before we get the peace job to the neck.

It’s getting to the point where the difference will be made on the homeland: We won’t have to go overseas to fight Islam if we don’t reject and deny it further entrance into America. Americans will simply go to battle against Islam on American shores…But arent we already doing that while progressives demand: “What difference does it make, as long as we don’t insult Islam!”


Lisa Richards

Lisa Richards is a life-long Conservative Republican with a capital "C," fighting leftist progressivism like a hyped-up hormonal verbal paper-shredder on over-drive. A writer of politics and history, Richards believes in upholding an defending the Constitution and American Exceptionalism without apologies. Lisa Richards Holds a Bachelors of Science in Political Science from Sacred Heart University. She resides in her native state of Connecticut with her family and an assortment of rescued animals

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  1. If it claims mohammad as it’s prophet then it’s not worthy of being called a valid religion in the USA. Anyone that worships a child molester is not worthy of respect. they are not worthy of licking the sweat off of my bal$$. All mudslimes must be removed from the USA as their islamic beliefs are not compatible with the Constitution and Judeo/Christian beliefs that our country were founded on. Any muslime that wishes to disagree will be met with extreme prejudice, especially if in a face to face confrontation.

  2. These Islamic TERRORISTS have planned this for decades…while WE were changing the definition of ‘complacency’ to ‘tolerance’.

    There are (2010 KHOU-TV) an excess of 130 Mosques across the USA with many many more prayer centers. Houston has 100 such centers & 20 Mosques.

    “Harmony Schools” have grown to 33 (hq in Houston) 17 are in Texas…what about your city?…These schools are funded through the “Cosmos Foundation’ & cost the taxpayer a million dollars in 2011. They ‘impo9rt’ teachers from Turkey on H1-B visas & ‘Muslims are principals…

    OUR Constitution is being shredded & Big Government is stomping the hell out of the Bill of Rights!!! WE ARE AT WAR !!!And a fight for our Christian way of life found only in this Glorious Land we call home.

    EACH & EVERY Christian must become an ‘(active’) soldier in this fight. No more just preaching to the choir, but raise your voice, your vote, keep pressure on our sorry employees we sent to DC. ATTEND CITY MEETINGS (this is where zoning is decided) Keep an eagle eye on the PTA, KNOW what is being taught.

    Satan has many arms that are ready to reach out & grab what we treasure most. Stay alert & be safe.

    GOD BLESS AMERICA…& grant us strength & courage

    1. Yes, they have planned for decades, or rather centuries if we read Jefferson’s warnings that he gave after meeting with the Ambassador of Tripoli who told Jefferson Muslims would one day invade us to conquer us. But we are not paying attention, because we are more worried about being disliked than safe, free, and alive to continue.

  3. You know, if and when the shooting starts, I’m dipping all my bullets in Pig’s Blood – just to be sure.

  4. This reminds me of a cartoon I saw recently based on the Peanuts characters. Lucy says to Linus, “Republicans are racists,sexist and homophobes.” Linus replies, “Well you support the muslims who are racists,sexists and homophobes.” Lucy says, “Well that’s their culture and we must respect that.”
    I think that’s how libs actually view things.

    1. If you don’t tolerate evil, if you call evil what it is–evil, then you are considered a racist, intolerant, anything phobic, but never considered someone who stands against all that is wrong. I prefer to stand up for what is good and just and right and reject all that is evil, wrong, corrupt and inhumane. I would rather do the right thing than the popular thing and lose America.

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