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Killing Freedom

Stabbing Freedom 



The fact America won the War of Independence should have everyone thankful: If Jefferson didn’t dissent, every American would talk like the prissy wanna’-be queen Piers Morgan.

Now that I’ve scared the crap out of conservative-minded readers with that thought, let’s wake up and face facts.

The reality that the government has reverted back in time to British troop tactics by confiscating your personal information on whim should have every American deeply troubled.

Are you free to speak out against your government? The Constitution says yes.

Are you free to embarrass the government and make it accountable for injustices? The Constitution says yes. The IRS, Progressives and Obama say no.

The IRS harasses conservative organizations standing up against the Sixteenth Amendment and Christian organizations feeding and doctoring the poor. It seems the CIA and NSA have been given full authority to wiretap everyone’s phone calls and internet conversations, rather than monitoring enemies only.

NSA and CIA information gathering is not those harmless, annoying pop up ads caused by internet services collecting information on your purchases. Internet services are allowed to share (not to sell your information) to companies looking for customers. Technically that doesn’t confer your personal information since you already gave your phone, address and e-mail to your server provider. Internet services can only share catch phrases and key words from places you shop and share that with companies bearing those words in their titles or descriptions. The most annoying thing that comes from sharing of information is computer pop-ups and ads.

Don’t grab the tin foil people. If you shop on line, your transaction is not completely private, because you are freely, openly shopping with companies. This sharing doesn’t allow internet servers or companies to give IRS information to invade banking records and transactions, tap phone calls and treat Americans like terrorists–rather than actually tracking terrorists before they blow up Boston streets or fly planes into New York and Washington, D.C. buildings.

Unfortunately, that is what the government is forcing some phones and internet services to do: Hand your information over to government.

And you thought powdered wigs went out!

Over two centuries-ago our Founders declared independence against Britain by signing Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence. The accomplishment was considered treason against the crown. But technically that undertaking only broke the Divine Right of the King, which was authorized only by kings, not God or the people. King George violated the Magna Carta, therefore, Jefferson and the Founders had every right to dissent and address King George’s infringement against the Rights of Man.

Brits invading colonists


We’ve lived peacefully, respecting the Constitution for centuries, yet government does the opposite to Americans and the Constitution..

The government is less interested in doing its job: Upholding the Constitution and serving the people.Washington is more interested in expanding power and authority over the people.

We are once again under siege by government wielding unwritten rights to impose its will against us. 

FBI v libertarians cartoon

This is why Thomas Jefferson drafted and signed the Declaration of Independence: To stand up to government abuses against the rights of man written in the Magna Carta.


Magna Carta

We have reentered the era where We The People must stand up in the fashion of Patrick Henry and declare as he did:

Paine painting

This is no time for ceremony. The questing before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.


Americans are well aware  CIA and NSA wire tapping is nothing new. America must be on guard against the enemy, we expect the government to watch and prevent threats.

Before the Patriot Act, America had FISA. Before that, World War II and Cold War era watched enemies within the United States. Why; communists infiltrated the American government: The communists Rosenberg Soviets   sold our Atomic Secrets to the Soviets: 

In 1995, the CIA released ‘the Venona Cables’ [the] decoded Soviet communications that document, along with other espionage doings, the antics of Julius and Ethel. Khrushchev himself mentions the Rosenbergs in his memoirs, identifying them as spies for Russia.


The Rosenbergs got what they deserved, yet conservative Americans are now treated as threats while threats are ignored.

Americans want government to catch the bad guys; yet, the CIA and NSA have failed to prevent  some deadly attacks, because government focuses on Americans purchasing American flags and donating to tea party organizations and demands we tolerate enemies.

Case in point: Mohammad Atta came to America for flying lessons. He learned to fly planes—but not land them—in order to bomb cities by crashing jets into buildings. Flight instructors warned the FBI, but Janet Reno and Operation Able Danger ignored the 1999 findings on Atta.

Reno forbade FBI confiscation of Atta’s lap top: It might violate Atta’s Civil Rights. Reno gave Atta privacy privileges; Atta violated 3000 human rights.

Law-abiding Americans are harassed, not enemies, despite government having legal ways of weeding out enemies. The government despises conservative Americans speaking out against government. The IRS harasses and threatens Tea Party and Christian organizations, but never Islamist living inside America, who all pose threats to this nation: Islam demands liberty be destroyed in favor of Islamic Sharia law and Islamic takeover.

Yet many turn a blind eye, assuming government is supposed to have full authority over our lives. If that’s true, why do Americans demand rights to do as they please with their bodies and possessions? Answer: Natural Rights are instilled at birth.

 Iris and cameras

We ignored government so long; it entered our homes and has become the monster hiding under the bed. 

Patrick Henry warned:

We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty?

What else is government doing to us? Should we continue going along blindly, assuming everything is well when we see Americans pleading with Congress against abuses incurred by government agencies targeting anyone taking a stand for liberty and freedom?  We have Fourth Amendment rights, but rights mean nothing to a government that assumes it has unwritten authority and control to make us serve it with a by-your-leave.

Chained hands

The modern day government violates the United States Constitution in every way by overreaching into the states and people’s lives that locked doors and four walls no longer protect. When will we all stand up and declare:

What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

Lisa Richards

Lisa Richards is a life-long Conservative Republican with a capital "C," fighting leftist progressivism like a hyped-up hormonal verbal paper-shredder on over-drive. A writer of politics and history, Richards believes in upholding an defending the Constitution and American Exceptionalism without apologies. Lisa Richards Holds a Bachelors of Science in Political Science from Sacred Heart University. She resides in her native state of Connecticut with her family and an assortment of rescued animals

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  1. Perhaps then, we need to write a New Letter of “Independance” to King Obie Declaring our Independance of HIM! The government watches us because if we really understood that we have the power AND the might to strike down an Unconstitutional Federal Government they would be in a world of _! They watch us because they fear us!

    Imagine a Nation of free Americans who stand up and say NO! to Obamacare. Who say No to illegal National Police forces! Who say No to an illegal Tax Agencey that is no more than a tool to blackmail individual rights – the Internal Revenue Service. Who say NO! to the socialist agenda being shoved down our throats. WE are the fourth branch of Government. And if we would only realize it WE are the most powerful of all!

    It is no longer enough (it never was, actually) to just vote. If we are not actively communicating with our legislators and demanding justice and Constitutional Law to be upheld then we have no business complaining about governement; bend over, grab your ankles, and receive what you deserve!!

    To the NSA Puke Spying on me – please check my spelling and email me the corrections – be of some respectable USE!!

  2. I’ve already said no to Obamacare. And to the government: I’m one redhead who looks fabulous in orange and would only wind up recruiting convicts to conservatism.

    Everyone needs to get some guts and say no. I’ll pay by cash or find my own insurance provider. It’s time Americans get it through their heads that a government can only have powers beyond its limits if we let them and we lock-step like “Animal Farm” sheep.

    Would you set your child on fire or hurl your child off a cliff if the government demanded you do it, or stand up and say “don’t touch my child, I’ll fight you, even if I have to die fighting you.”

    Are we Nazi-ed Germans or liberated Americans?

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