Valedictorian Stuns Crowd with Lord’s Prayer
In South Carolina Roy Costner, high school valedictorian, got a round of applause after he surprised the crowd, transitioning from his planned speech during the graduation ceremony, to a delivery of the Lord’s Prayer. Costner used his moment in the spotlight to protest the school district’s decision to bans prayer from graduation ceremonies.
We should all be so inspired.
Read more here: KSBW8.
Way to go. Fight this unbelievable system of hate toward Christians and our freedoms of religion and speech. You will go far young man because you think for yourself and do not play the Political Correctness game.
This is the result of “Christian Parenting”. This young man was on Fox & Friends this AM & very well spoken & polite. I can imagine how his parents must have felt when he tore up his speech to pray. As a Christian I was bursting with pride.
TW as you ‘ramble’ north, keep your toes warm & remember whose idea it was…