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White House Petition Calls for Ban on Creation Science, Intelligent Design Education in Schools

Bird or reptile, the debate over Archaeopteryx continues.
Bird or reptile, the debate over Archaeopteryx continues.

Wynton Hall of Breitbart’s Big Government website wrote a short piece that I think deserves attention and further discussion. In the article, Hall talks about how a White House Petition to ban Creationism and Intelligent Design conversation in public schools is gathering steam. You can see the full article at Big Government here.

Apparently the petition to ban Creationism and Intelligent Design from the classroom, launched by a virtually unknown party from Vienna, Virginia by the name of A.J. is gathering steam, garnering 23,000 signatures in just a week. It needs 100,000 signatures by July 15th in order to get any response from the government.

In his petition to the White House, A.J. writes:

“Both of these so-called ‘theories’ have no basis in scientific fact, and have absolutely zero evidence pointing towards these conjectures. These types of loopholes in our education are partially to blame for our dangerously low student performances in math and science.”

“Therefore, “A.J. continues, “we petition the Obama Administration to ban the teachings of these conjectures that contradict Evolution.”

Nice try A.J, but no cigar. You might as well petition the White House to ban a religion, like Christianity, or better yet, Islam!

People like A.J. are misguided on so many levels. His argument that Creationism in the classroom being responsible for low test scores of our students is laughable and provably false. Science and math classrooms virtually nowhere even touch on any theory other than Darwinian Evolution, even though it is that theory that has many gaping holes and misconceptions that bring the whole idea into serious doubt.

The poor performance of our students is directly linked to the socialist culture we find ourselves in. No longer is individual achievement through hard work and study taught. Instead, we are giving our students a pass on the tough subjects that will help them think and reason and develop, and we are replacing these topics with social sciences and rewritten history. We teach our children that America is to blame for everything, that we stole this land from the Indians and Mexicans, and that it is socially acceptable to see kids in the classroom who have gay parents.

Ken Ham, president of Answers In Genesis, a creationist organization, recently gave an interview to the Christian Post, and responded to the controversial petition.

“This anti-creationist petition is yet another example of the intolerance of evolutionist activists (who do not) want to see any challenge to their deeply held secularist worldview,” said Ham.

Answers in Genesis is one of the premier sources for scientific and philosophical proof of a creator and evidence pointing away from the theory of evolution. Ham and his people make a great case for their argument that is well documented and well-sourced, using scientific data that is hard to defend against. A guy like A.J., who can hardly bother to identify himself, would find himself being destroyed in debate by Ham or his many colleagues. That is why so few from the evolution side of the house even bother to show up for a debate of this kind, they cannot handle the embarrassment.

No one on the right wants to ban evolution study. It would be un-American to ban any kind of religious, or philosophical thought. But evolutionists aren’t bound by any such restraints. If their theory is in trouble, there is a simple solution, ban all education or debate from any other point of view.

Evolutionists have tried every trick in the book to ban all discussion from another point of view, they’ve even delved into fraud. Many of the so called missing links are questionable at best, and worst, out and out fraud.

Let’s be clear. Evolution vs. Creation is not science in the strictest sense. They are worldviews based on assumptions that help us in our overall view of the world, that’ why we call them worldviews. There are two different kinds of science; theoretical, and practical. Practical sciences observe nature and derive ways of using the physical laws to make life on Earth better. The theoretical sciences deal with less practical observations that are harder to prove and have less of a use, other than attempting to answer the question of, “who are we and why are we here?” That question is best left up to the individual in my view and there is a lot of information out there that one can absorb to help one formulate their worldview.

That kind of individual soul-searching is unacceptable for the evolutionist, who want nothing but their worldview taught in public schools. They are not teaching individual skills, reason. They are teaching children how to be good little workers in the socialist Utopia.

The idea that an entire worldview held by millions of Americans can just be wiped out by decree by the Government because of the selfish demands of a few thousand atheists is so profoundly un-American that it borders upon the obscene. Imagine what would happen if Christians attempted to ban atheists from banding together, or Islam from teaching their worldview in their private schools? There would be public outrage, and rightfully so.

I’m sorry to have to instruct the nation’s atheists once again, but you know America was founded on Judeo-Christian philosophy! That fact is well documented in the writings or our Founders. Nothing you try can erase this fact, so Get Over It! Even so there is room for everyone in this mainly secular society to allow freedom of thought for all. I wouldn’t presume to force my religious views onto my Muslim friends from the former Yugoslavia, and they wouldn’t dare to impose their worldview on me. There is room for all here in the free market of religious and philosophical thought, and we can debate and share our worldviews without encroaching on the rights of others.

The mere appearance of some kind of philosophical or religious thought in the public sphere shouldn’t alarm anyone. We are allowed to choose, or not to choose to interact with it.

But if you come into my home and attempt to teach a philosophy that I think will damage my kids, be prepared for some pushback. A street preacher doesn’t force his worldview on anyone by talking openly in the public square, but a burglar forces his wretched worldview on the home-owner by breaking into the home to steal his possessions or cause harm to the family.

Your attempt to ban scientific, political, social, or religious thought, A.J. is blatantly stupid and dangerous and will result to nothing. We tolerate your worldview because we are Americans who believe in individual liberty. What we won’t tolerate is an assault on the essence that makes us all Truly American.

For information on Creation and Intelligent design research, I recommend the reader delve into the fascinating discussions on Answers In Genesis, Discovery Institute, or the Institute for Creation Research, and then make up your own mind as to their validity.

Crossposted from the



Jeremy Griffith

Jeremy Griffith is conservative blogger and retired officer of the United States Army Reserve. He writes for his own blog at

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  1. 残り8ファイナリストを受け取るペアに向かってコンバース靴、ギフトコンバースからの証明書、ギフトから証明書ギターセンター。それは持っていますで、開始されて促進の結果として厚いライバル間あなたの生産者板金つま先の作業ハンター長靴。

  2. The end result of such a blatent attempt at our heritage is brute force and conformity! Now is the time to push back with the TRUTH but like all unreasoning humans who will deny us of our belief system or worldview. Their woldview is conformity and denial of all that is good and right and honorable and noble. They believe in privlage for a few and enslavement or a shortened life for the masses. It is a belief system of entitlement that denies our Spiritual self and only believes in the here and now and what’s in it for me. That is their right under our system of government and that is a choice not law enforcible by force! May the GOD I worship open the hearts and minds and may his HOLY SPIRIT come upon a.j. and all who worship the state and self.

  3. Please don’t say “Creation Science.” That’s like saying “Religious Atheist.”

    1. Actually Jon, many of the great contributions to science in the world have been made by great men of faith. Isaac Newton, Galileo, Plank, Gregor Mendal. Mendal’s research on genetics in his plant crossing experiments proves that differentiation is due to genes not mutations as Darwin foresaw. You’re two wrapped up on the definition of the word science. In the past it was used as the search for truth and encompassed the intellectual disciplines of philosophy and religion as well. Read God’s Philosophers by James Hannam.

      1. That’s true, and when those scientists made discoveries they altered their world view accordingly. Suggesting Creation Science be put in text books and taught in schools would be like advocating that the sun revolves around the Earth as an alternate theory.

  4. In a very practical sense Theoretical Science is as much a religion as any other; it even involves a certain amount of faith. I’ll tell you that I find more evidence in the world – the physical earth – to support evolution than creationism. But then I don’t have faith in any God (having tried that off and on most of my life).

    Having stated my position on the details this isn’t about the details. I don’t care what you believe. I care that you have the right to believe it. I also care about real balance in what our children are taught and most importantly that they are offered an opportunity to learn to think for themselves. Our Nation, our world, is based on polarities and contrasts. Let there be light. Let there be darkness. Let us experience both so that we may understand each. If you remove Creation from the class then you must also remove evolution from the class but to remove either or both is to deny our children the opportunity to think for themselves. Censorship is contrary to our culture and a violation of our individual rights. God Himself gave man the choice to choose between Him and his own pride! Are we now Gods to decide who knows what?

    And finally this; none of us were “there” at the beginning! Christians believe they have a witness in their hearts and scientists believe that have the wisdom of a few hundred years of investigation. Down thru the centuries components of Christian theory has been debunked (and consequently modified to fit the facts) over and over but Science is on an almost continual reset of what we “know”! Like global warming for instance. Each of us must find answers to our own convictions and balance that with the same respect for the rights of others to think and believe as they wish as we expect for ourselves. Christians decry the new religions of the world, which set out to do exactly the same thing they set out to do 2000 years ago – change the world. Who is better?

    I stand with the Christians as allies to my determination to protect my individual rights. I must protect theirs in kind! The New World Order is my enemy because it entices to enslave US! Those people who wish to destroy the beliefs of others, by whatever means, are the true evil of the world!

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