
President fails to address middle class needs while bending to environmentalists

President Obama claimed many things: be the most transparent, court the world into loving the U.S.A., and to be the protector of the middle class. So far, he’s 0 for 3.

The President is more focused on finding a way to turn George Zimmerman into a political target than fixing the nation’s real problems – there is a real reason.

Housing starts hit a new low, inflation is starting to kick in, gas prices are rising, industry earnings disappointed and even Bernanke said that he needed to see far more improvement in the employment situation before tightening. – Things are not getting better.

In Obama’s most-recent speech he pushed for changes in state’s “stand your ground” laws after the Zimmerman trial didn’t turn out how he wanted. But that’s just one conversation with America where the President has failed to address actual problems in our nation.

America’s job situation is critical, if not dying. There are fewer jobs than when Obama took office. More Americans are relying on government benefits than ever before – even during the great depression or Jimmy Carter’s disastrous presidency, no justice has come from the administration’s failure to protect the ambassador and his staff in Africa (Benghazi.) , Chicago citizens are dying at an alarming rate despite some of the most restrictive gun laws… the rest of the list would take days to complete.

The question – where is the President on these major issues?

President Obama has been at the head of stopping the XL Pipeline, shutting down coal mining, buying old cars, paying for craptastic government mistakes, spending billions on failing alternative energy companies and approaches, fueling the Arab spring, dealing with African violence, taking expensive trips around the world, fund-raising for his party’s candidates, championing ineffective gun control, trying to save an unpopular health care law… you name it – unless you name the American jobs situation. On jobs, the President is absent, silent, quiet, non-existent – paralyzed.

During that time he’s protected the interests of large environmental organizations. Makes sense, since the environmental left is .. well, left.

Obama’s reaction to Zimmerman’s verdict is par for the course. When the President doesn’t like something, right or wrong, he sics the entire federal government on it – damn the consequences.

Obama has an environmentalists agenda and everything else is an annoyance. Review his past, check his current policy. Our President is focused on giving money to failing environmentalist efforts and green companies while ignoring the real problems of this great nation.



Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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