Should McCain’s Campaign Have Muzzled Palin on Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Racism?

When truth is prevented from ever reaching the ears of the American public during a presidential campaign the consequences can often be tragic. Consider the case of the 2008 mainstream media cover up and strict avoidance of Obama’s long time connection to Black Nationalist minister Jeremiah Wright and his firebrand racist comments. The media shackled the truth and allowed then U.S. Senator Obama to skate all the way to his election as president.
What is even worse was former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin’s recent revelation that the John McCain presidential campaign actually banned her from talking about Rev. Jeremiah Wright or anarchist Bill Ayers. Think about the repercussions of how an informed American public could have at least had the opportunity to discuss as well as evaluate this information with the fullness a vice presidential candidate’s focus would have offered.
Typically it is the vice presidential candidate who is given the task to reveal the underbelly of the opposition’s campaign and bring attention to issues that a presidential candidate seeks to avoid discussing.
But instead of engaging in a fully spirited public campaign discussion that would have given Sarah Palin the ability to point out these glaring inconsistencies she was silenced. She is right to be appalled. The nation needed to see a presidential campaign question how a former community organizer from Chicago’s south side managed to have his state senate campaign launched in the living room of the co-founder of the violent anti-war group Weather Underground.
The nation needed a Republican presidential campaign demand the details on how Obama embraced the racist-laden preaching of Rev. Wright. Instead, Palin was forced to stand on the sidelines and watch the McCain campaign throw the towel in without even a whisper.
What this did in effect is to undermine the ability as well as the intelligence of the American people to make a determination to evaluate the fitness of a presidential candidate who offered shadowy explanations for his past record of radical and socialist associations.
The mainstream media was given a pass by the John McCain campaign to not look deeper into Obama’s past associations because they wanted to write a narrative that was actually race-based. McCain campaign appeared to not want the truth about a known radicalized element in Obama’s past; because it would somehow upset the voters he was seeking to convert to support his election as president.
Well America knows how well that worked out for him.
But there is something even more insidious about McCain’s sterilization of Sarah Palin’s voice on these crucial issues. If Palin had been given the go ahead to share the campaign’s concern over Obama’s previous associations the truth could have been revealed. Remember, then U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton had attempted to bring out these issues concerning Obama in the spring of 2008, before she was knocked down by the Chicago-style sledge hammer of the Obama campaign tactics. The mainstream press danced over the corpse of Clinton’s presidential campaign accusations and refused to do little more than to push surface dirt around.
There was a media elitism that was practiced as well as embraced by Senator John McCain. He was not a conservative seeking the truth, and only seem to want Sarah Palin on the ticket because of her conservative background and potential appeal.
This should be a cautionary tale for future voters as well as conservatives who seek to follow a potential presidential candidate when that candidate’s only goal is to stifle the truth in order to gain election points at the polls. It did not work then and it will not work ever.
When the McCain campaign neutralized Sarah Palin’s voice his campaign gave the mainstream media the tacit go ahead to become the new arm of the socialist agenda and the piecemeal destruction of the U.S. Constitution.
The adage that “elections have consequences” is true. This time, America’s conservatives will be unwilling to witness or permit a moderate Republican poser from claiming the mantle of conservatism without portfolio.
The 2014 mid-term elections is the beginning of the process toward reclaiming America and Sarah Palin now and in the future will not be silenced nor restricted.
Sarah Palin: “I Was Not Allowed” To Tell The Truth About Obama In 2008