Thwarting Upward Mobility, Exacerbating Racial Tensions

Did you know that YOU are thwarting a chance at upward mobility, that you are causing Americans to lose a sense of security? That’s what Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama said on July 24, 2013, in an interview at Knox College in Galesburg, IL. Obama said:
“And there was a sense of not upward mobility in the abstract; it was part and parcel of who we were as Americans. And that’s what’s been eroding over the last 20, 30 years, …[.]”
Did you know that if Obama doesn’t get his way economically, racial tensions will increase? In the same New York Times interview, Obama said:
“If we don’t do anything, then growth will be slower than it should be. Unemployment will not go down as fast as it should. Income inequality will continue to rise.”
“And racial tensions won’t get better; they may get worse, because people will feel as if they’ve got to compete with some other group to get scraps from a shrinking pot.”
And, did you know that focusing on the deficit is bad?
“And if we’re doing that [focusing on the deficit], then ultimately I think that we won’t get everything done that I want to see done, but we will have shifted away from what I think has been a bad – a damaging framework in Washington, which is to constantly think about is there more we can do to cut the deficit without asking are we making the right cuts, the smart cuts that actually help people in their own lives and help us grow over the long term.”
So, the only way out of this economic and racial mess, according to Obama, is to “get everything done that he want to see done,” to make what HE defines as “the right cuts, the smart cuts that actually help people.” But nowhere, in this interview or elsewhere, can I find where he specifically defines what a right or smart cut is. Cuts, indeed. All we ever hear from him (reading on his Teleprompter) is that the “rich” should “pay a little bit more, their fair share.”
And, did you know that Obama is going to act on his own if Congress (those pesky Republicans) doesn’t give him his way?
“I’m not just going to sit back if the only message from some of these folks is no on everything, and sit around and twiddle my thumbs for the next 1,200 days.”
So, rather than blame George W. Bush, he is now blaming the US citizens and Congress for his and the country’s problems. Of course, all of his policies, his economic decisions, his race relations speeches have been just perfect. Said very sarcastically, “Shame on us!”
For perspective, consider this. The last time Obama spoke in Galesburg, IL, in June 2005, the Illinois unemployment rate was 5.9 percent. The Illinois unemployment rate is now 9.2 percent.
But that’s just my opinion
Please visit RWNO, my personal, very conservative web site!
Man, am I glad you got to the bottom of this!! I’ve lost so much sleep blaming His majesty lack of caring & lack of leadership…I’ve know a few with brass ones, but Obama out brasses ’em all!! I know we’ve heard stories about his origin, but recently it dawned on me that perhaps he was born in a washing machine or vacumn cleaner because one has an agitator in the middle & the other is full of hot air.
I don’t mean to be so flippant, I’m just so fed up & disgusted at what is passing for leadership I’m losing it…Thank goodness I have you & the others to help make sense of it.