
Democrats Will Give Black Americans Forty Acres of Public Housing For the Honor of Voting For Democrat Mules


There seems to be an unwritten set of Democrat rules for black Americans that include 40 underprivileged acres if they vote for the mule.

It’s obvious the Emancipation Proclamation holds a bad aftertaste for Democrats or they never would have 40 acre-and-muled black Americans right back into slavery where blacks have been instructed to live in the crappiest section of town on welfare, attending schools Democrats would never send their children to, insisting blacks fight for the racistpoverty-creating minimum wage versus competing with skills that allow for people to leave poverty.

But hey, poor blacks can hold their heads up high and say: “Those rich Democrats have made Black Americans what we are—poor!”

Of course black Americans are forbidden their fabulous forty acres of under privilege unless they comply with voting for race-baiting jackasses called Democrats.

To hell with the Constitution and the Rights of Man! Democrat political discrimination knows how to make blacks comfortable in their poverty: Never attempt to work and live beyond racially motivatedminimum wage. It’s not good for your Democrat politician’s life-style!

It’s better for black self-esteem when black Americans are reduced to pitiable destitution. Superior criminals are developed in broken homes where “70% of black children are raised by single mothers”, black unemployment in America is 40-50%, the illiteracy rate is also 70% and, as Economist Walter Williams points out, “Politicians exploit economic illiteracy.”

  Walter E. Williams says:

Black people could benefit from an honest examination of the bill of goods they’ve been sold. Such an examination would not come from black politicians, civil rights leaders or the black and white liberal elite. Those people have benefited politically and financially from keeping black Americans in a constant state of grievance based on alleged racial discrimination.


When black Americans make it out of Democrat-created black poverty, they are only commended if they are card-carrying Democrats. For black Americans to be anything but Democrat goes against the esteemed heritage of Democrat bondage.

And don’t forget laws stipulating black Americans join the Democrat Party, vote Democrat, and think and act solely as progressive leftists versus living as free Americans.  That clause is hidden in the Emancipation Proclamation: It states black Americans would never be granted freedom unless black Americans swore an oath pledging never to vote Republican or join the GOP.  

Unwritten Democrat laws really do forbid black Americans from living as individuals.

Are black Americans allowed to vote Republican? No. Black Americans who vote Republican are condemned as a sell-out to their race.

Never mind Democrats socially lynched black Americans into poverty to achieve Democrat power; Democrats politically lynch black Republicans as traitors worse than Atomic Bomb-selling communists for leaving the party plantation. 

Republican Crystal Wright says:

The left relentlessly calls black conservatives crude names to belittle us into silence, tame us into submission, and intimidate those of us in the closet from coming out. Message: know thy black place.


Economist Thomas Sowell says of black Republican candidates:

Obviously, any black conservative who shows signs of getting political traction, such as Herman Cain, has to be destroyed… One of the sad things is that a number of black conservatives who have gone out on a limb and have then had the rug pulled out from under them…



After decades of plantation politics wielded against blacks by Democrats, Congressman Elbert Guillory of Louisiana left the Democrat Party because:

[Democrats] have moved away from the traditional values of most Americans. Their  policies have encouraged high teen birth rates, high high-school dropout rates, high incarceration rates and very high unemployment rates… We can’t continue doing the things we are doing and survive.

Author and speaker Star Parkerpoints out that:

It is so clear that blacks are damaged by the left-wing political agenda—black voters so uniformly and consistently support Democratic candidates who advance this agenda…Black Americans, like every other American, need fewer taxes taken out of their paycheck, need to be able to choose where to send their child to school, need to be able to freely pick a health care plan that suits their needs, and need to save for retirement instead of paying payroll taxes.



Despite tangled-webbed emancipation tales woven by elected mules, Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was not a Democrat; Dr. King was, as Francis Rice points out, a Republican:

It should come as no surprise that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican. Why? It was the Democrats who Dr. King was fighting, and he would not have joined the  Democratic Party, the party of segregation and the Ku Klux Klan…Democrats started the    Ku Klux Klan in 1866 to lynch and terrorize Republicans – black and white and drive Republicans out of the South. 

A bunch of mules convinced a portion of America that the party of slavery and segregation—the Democrat Party—is the party of Civil Rights. The fact is the Republican Party is the Emancipation Proclamation party, the GOP ended slavery and it is the GOP that demanded the anti-Civil Rights Democrat President Lyndon Johnson to sign the Civil Rights Act into law in 1965, ending segregation, not the Democrats, who fought desegregating the South.

Fear not. Democrats always take credit for the Civil Rights Act despite the fact it is Republicans who demanded blacks have the same constitutional rights as white Americans.

National Black Republican Association  Chairwoman Francis Rice points out:

After the Civil War, Republicans amended the US Constitution to grant blacks freedom (13th Amendment), citizenship (14th Amendment) and the right to vote (15th Amendment). Republicans passed the civil rights laws of the 1860’s, including the Civil    Rights Act of 1866 and the Reconstruction Act of 1867 that was designed to establish a new government system in the Democrat-controlled South, one that was fair to blacks, [but] … Democrats enacted the discriminatory Black Codes and Jim  Crow laws Democrats fought to prevent the passage of every piece of civil rights    legislation from the 1860’s to the 1960’s.  Democrats wanted to keep blacks in virtual slavery and deny blacks the promised ‘40 acres and a mule’

According to Thomas Sowell, the Democrat’s forty acres and mule re-enslaved blacks on a modern-day plantation of poverty where rising illiteracy and crime are ignored by Civil rights leaders who happen to be Democrats:       

Liberals try to show their concern for the poor by raising the level of minimum wage laws.Yet  they show no interest in hard evidence that minimum wage laws create disastrous levels of unemployment among young blacks in this country, as such laws created high unemployment rates among young people in general in European countries. The black family survived centuries of slavery and generations of Jim Crow, but it has disintegrated in the wake of the liberals’ expansion of the welfare state. Most black children grew up in homes with two parents during all that time but most grow up with only one parent today.

Francis Rice says:

If the Democrats had left blacks alone at this moment in history, our nation would not be faced with racial divisiveness today. Instead, Democrats set for themselves the horrendous task of keeping blacks in virtual slavery.

It is quite clear that one’s skin color and race continue to be more important to the segregation/slavery party than individuality and human liberty.


Maybe we need to amend the Constitution again: Abolish Democrat jackasses!


Lisa Richards

Lisa Richards is a life-long Conservative Republican with a capital "C," fighting leftist progressivism like a hyped-up hormonal verbal paper-shredder on over-drive. A writer of politics and history, Richards believes in upholding an defending the Constitution and American Exceptionalism without apologies. Lisa Richards Holds a Bachelors of Science in Political Science from Sacred Heart University. She resides in her native state of Connecticut with her family and an assortment of rescued animals

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